After completing this exercise, you will be able to ...
- Fork an existing GitHub repository and clone it to make changes locally.
- Become familiar with basic git commands.
- Commit changes and push to a remote repository.
- Publish static website on GitHub Pages.
- Review HTML/CSS
In this exercise, we will fork (a.k.a. copy) an exsting GitHub repository and modify the source code to create your own site. We will then publish the resulting site to GitHub pages.
First, fork this repository into your GitHub account. The fork button is in the upper right-hand corner of the browser. Navigate to your new repository in GitHub, and go to repository settings. Under the "GitHub" pages section, change the source to the master branch. This will publish our changes in our master branch to GitHub pages.
After you apply theses changes, go back into settings and note the url under GitHub pages. This will be the URL for your site.
Next, at a command prompt, clone this forked repository to your local machine.
git clone {https://{repository url}}
You will now have a local copy of your forked repository to work on.
In order to review HTML/CSS and get prepared for the semester, modify the HTML/CSS of the site to create a public service announcement page educating people how to prevent the spread of COVID.
The site should have the following elements ...
- Site header which contains an image relevant to your message.
- Valid prevention tips from a reliable source.
- Create visual separation and styling for each of the prevention tips, and try to use a graphic for each tip to illustrate the point. You may use a list or may lay this out how you see fit.
- A button to request more information (does not have to go anywhere or actually work).
- A list of COVID resources for testing and prevention.
There are not strict guidelines here. Just make a nice looking page and get some HTML/CSS practice in.
Commit all your changes and push them to your remote repository. Now navigate to the URL you noted when setting up GitHub Pages and you should see your site.
Be creative and have fun. This is not a graded assignment. Volunteers will be able to show their work next class.