covfie (pronounced coffee) is a co-processor vector field library. covfie consists of two main components; the first is the header-only C++ library, which can be used by scientific applications using CUDA or other programming platforms. The second is a set of benchmarks which can be used to quantify the computational performance of all the different vector field implementations covfie provides. Arguably, the test suite constitutes a third component.
All covfie vector fields are stored in the covfie::field
type and they are
accessed using the covfie::field_view
type. These require a backend type
passed as a template parameters, and their behaviour can be expanded using
transformers. The easiest way to get started using covfie is to use a field
builder backend, which allows you to write data to memory (the following
example is included in the repository as
using field_t = covfie::field<covfie::backend::strided<
int main(void)
// Initialize the field as a 10x10 field, then create a view from it.
field_t my_field(covfie::make_parameter_pack(
field_t::backend_t::configuration_t{10ul, 10ul}
field_t::view_t my_view(my_field);
// Assign f(x, y) = (sin x, cos y)
for (std::size_t x = 0ul; x < 10ul; ++x) {
for (std::size_t y = 0ul; y < 10ul; ++y) {, y)[0] = std::sin(static_cast<float>(x));, y)[1] = std::cos(static_cast<float>(y));
// Retrieve the vector value at (2, 3)
field_t::output_t v =, 3ul);
std::cout << "Value at (2, 3) = (" << v[0] << ", " << v[1] << ")"
<< std::endl;
return 0;
This next example (readme_example_2
creates a two-dimensional vector field over the natural numbers, stretching 10
indices in each direction. If we want to use real numbers for our vector field,
we can simply add a linear interpolator:
using builder_t = covfie::field<covfie::backend::strided<
using field_t = covfie::field<covfie::backend::linear<covfie::backend::strided<
int main(void)
// Initialize the field as a 10x10 field, then create a view from it.
builder_t my_field(covfie::make_parameter_pack(
builder_t::backend_t::configuration_t{10ul, 10ul}
builder_t::view_t my_view(my_field);
// Assign f(x, y) = (sin x, cos y)
for (std::size_t x = 0ul; x < 10ul; ++x) {
for (std::size_t y = 0ul; y < 10ul; ++y) {, y)[0] = std::sin(static_cast<float>(x));, y)[1] = std::cos(static_cast<float>(y));
field_t new_field(my_field);
field_t::view_t new_view(new_field);
// Retrieve the vector value at (2.31, 3.98)
field_t::output_t v =, 3.98f);
std::cout << "Value at (2.31, 3.98) = (" << v[0] << ", " << v[1] << ")"
<< std::endl;
return 0;
covfie types can seem intimidating at first, but they are quite friendly! Also, you only really need to worry about them once, and you can hide them away in a typedef.
A full build of covfie requires a few dependencies, including a CUDA compiler, Google Test, and Google Benchmark. The easiest way to install these is to use the included Spack environment:
spack env create covfie spack.yaml
spack -e covfie concretize -f
spack -e covfie install
spack env activate covfie
If you use covfie in your research, please cite the following paper:
author = {Swatman, Stephen Nicholas and Varbanescu, Ana-Lucia and Pimentel, Andy and Salzburger, Andreas and Krasznahorkay, Attila},
title = {Systematically Exploring High-Performance Representations of Vector Fields Through Compile-Time Composition},
year = {2023},
isbn = {9798400700682},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
doi = {10.1145/3578244.3583723},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2023 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering},
pages = {55–66},
numpages = {12},
location = {Coimbra, Portugal},
series = {ICPE '23}
You may also want to cite the software itself. Unfortunately, academia has not yet progressed to the point where software citations are regarded as highly as paper citations; therefore, we prefer references to the paper (although you may want to cite both). To cite the software, use:
author = {Swatman, Stephen Nicholas},
license = {MPL-2.0},
title = {{Covfie: A Compositional Vector Field Library}},
url = {}
All documentation pertaining to covfie can be found on ReadTheDocs at the following URL:
Given the ATLAS magnetic field
in text format, it can be converted into a covfie format using the
example (this requires COVFIE_BUILD_EXAMPLES
to be enabled
at configuration time):
build/examples/core/convert_bfield --input ATLASBField_xyz.txt --output atlas_bfield.cvf