This is a custom Mac OS X keyboard input source for people who primarily wish to use a US-english keyboard layout but need quick an easy access to Swedish (sv-se) special characters åäö and ÅÄÖ.
I find it extremely useful when programming. US keyboard is just much better for programming but I need quick access to special characters for communications.
The keyboard layout does the following replacements from the traditional US-en keyboard layout:
“ = å (Alt + [)
æ = ä (Alt + ')
… = ö (Alt + ;)
” = Å (Shift + Alt + [)
Æ = Ä (Shift + Alt + ')
Ú = Ö (Shift + Alt + ;)
Similar to where those keys would be on Swedish (sv-se) keyboard.
git clone
cd us-sv-keyboard
cp U.S.\ -\ SE.* ~/Library/Keyboard\ Layouts/
- Open OS X Settings -> Input Sources and select your new keyboard layout
If you can't find the new keyboard layout you may need to log out and in again.
This has been tested on Mac OS X 10.6 (maybe even 10.5, I forgot) all the way to 10.9.
Free to use under MIT License. No warranty, liability etc, full details at:
Let me know with a tweet if you like it: @acr.