Fully functional console application that demonstates how to utilize the Flex API.
- The projects all require the .NET 7.0 SDK.
- Flex API license
- Configured Flex Identity client. See helpful information below.
- Alarm Handling
- Displaying alarms
- Acknowledging, clearing and dimissing alarms
- Verifying user permissions
- Requiring dispatch text when required
- Realtime Messaging via the Flex MQTT broker
- Subscribing to alarms, events, and status
- TCP and WebSocket transport
- Hardware Tree
- How to retrieve the complete DNA hardware tree and fetch child nodes.
- Cardholder
- Complete lifecyle management of a cardholder and its credentials
- Adding, editing, deleting cardholders and credentials
- Assigning and removing access levels
- Authenticating to Flex Identity server using OpenID Connect
- Client and server side data validation
- API rate limiting support
- Output response as JSON data using the
dotnet run setup
or flex setup
dotnet run mqtt events
dotnet run hardware tree
dotnet run cardholder get --where 'LastName == "Brown"' --orderBy FirstName
dotnet run cardholder --json view 49acee78-5f0d-4ff0-ad7f-2a918f21c650
dotnet run credential edit 2db27f49-ec76-493b-91aa-10f90623f091 --CardNumber 365 --IssueCode 2000
dotnet run cardholder edit 49acee78-5f0d-4ff0-ad7f-2a918f21c650 --Zip 76226 --MiddleName Glenn
dotnet run directCommands list
dotnet run directCommands execute e5c0168c-c981-45dc-8e3a-6600023affae
dotnet run hardware door override db23ce87-d4d3-4791-86c4-87b51cf8e78c Unlocked -m 30
dotnet run hardware door cancel db23ce87-d4d3-4791-86c4-87b51cf8e78c