Some expirements in markov chains
import org.conbere.markov._
object Markov extends App {
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
// \2 and \3 are the ascii stop and start characters
val stop = '\2'
val start = '\3'
// we'll use lists of length 2
val chainLength = 2
// build a markov chain from an input file where each line
// consists of a planet name from Star Trek
val m = Source.fromFile("./src/test/resources/planets.txt")
// MarkovChainMap is a markov chain that stores the chain
// options in a Map[C,Int]. This map is working over Chars
.foldLeft(new MarkovChain[Char](start, stop))((acc, n) =>
// Generate a new planet name based on the corpus with a maximum length
// of 10