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App Components

This add-on is a collection of nodes for GUI design. They are intended to be the building blocks for you app and with them you can build the final widgets as scenes.

With these components you design widgets as independent scenes, that are then attached to the pages/screens of your app. At the Project Showcase you will find a navigation drawer and pop-up example.

Do not forget to check Contributing if you are interested on this add-on.

Lastly, this add-on has been tested on Windows 11 64-bits, I compiled it for other OS, but I could not test them. Feel free to open an issue is something is wrong.

About Current Release
Version 1.0.0 (under development)
Date yyyy/mm/dd
Godot Godot 4.2.0
License MIT License
Author acgc99

This add-on was born on 6th November 2023.

List of components:


A Control node with a Tween for animations designed for transition between pages, pop-ups or many other things.


  • You might need to set mouse_filter = MOUSE_FILTER_IGNORE so that elements below can receive mouse input. This might also apply to this node children. It will depend on your needs and scene tree structure. See mouse_filter docs) and Project Showcase.
  • You might need to set a specific set of anchors for the animations that modify size and position to work properly, or specify initial conditions at some _ready function. See Project Showcase.
  • This node uses a Tween for animations. When you call animate, it checks first if the current Tween has ended (if any) and if not, it kills current Tween and process the new transite call. See Tween docs.
  • Animations modify position, scale and modulate.a. If you want to reset those attributes, do it via code or playing the opposite animation.
  • If you want to make sure that one animation does not start while another is being played (for example a pop-up that is dismissed when it is being shown), use is_running() method. This method is important for animations that modify position and scale because they are based of current position and size, therefore for example, if you are using Animation.ANIMATION_TRANSLATE_LEFT and you call this animation again without waiting the first to end, the final position will be the initial position minus size.x minus the quantity of size.x that the node had time to move on the first animation. However, you might not want to use this method for animations like Animation.ANIMATE_APPEAR and Animation.ANIMATE_DISAPPEAR.


  • void animate(). Starts animation.
  • void resume_animation(). Resumes paused animation.
  • void pause_animation(). Pauses animation.
  • void kill_animation(). Kills animation Tween.
  • bool is_running(). Returns true is the animation is running, else false.


  • finished(). Emitted when Tween animation finishes.


  • float duarion = 1.0. Animation duration in seconds.
  • Animation animation = ANIMATION_APPEAR. Possible animations: appear/disappear, transition left/left-up/up/right-up/right/right-down/down/left-down/ (node is moved on that direction the same quantity as its width/height), shrink left/left-up/up/right-up/right/right-down/down/left-down/center (node is scaled up to zero shrinking to that corner), expand left/left-up/up/right-up/right/right-down/down/left-down/center (node is scaled up to 1 growing from that corner) and custom. For the custom animation, initial_modulate_a, initial_position, initial_scale, final_modulate_a, final_position and final_scale used.
  • Tween.EaseType ease = EASE_IN_OUT.
  • Tween.TransitionType transition = Tween.TRANS_LINEAR.
  • float initial_modulate_a = 1.0. Initial modulate.a for custom animation.
  • Vector2 initial_position = Vector2(0, 0). Initial position for custom animation.
  • Vector2 initial_scale = Vector2(1, 1). Initial scale for custom animation.
  • float final_modulate_a = 1.0. Final modulate.a for custom animation.
  • Vector2 final_position = Vector2(0, 0). Final position for custom animation.
  • Vector2 final_scale = Vector2(1, 1). Final scale for custom animation.



It works similar to TextureRect, but it requires an URL pointing to some image on the Internet and the specification of image extension.


  • Image is requested on _ready. If you override this function, you can use the method make_request.
  • Large images might require long loading/saving times.


  • void make_request(). Makes the HTTP request and loads the image.


  • request_finished(). Emitted when the HTTP request finishes and image is loaded.


  • String url = "". Image URL.
  • Extension extension = 0. Image extension. Image supported types: .bmp, .jpg, .png, .tga and .webp.


A TextureRect designed to hold an icon. That is expand_mode = EXPAND_IGNORE_SIZE and stretch_mode = STRETCH_KEEP_ASPECT_CENTERED.


It is a Button with the attributes designed to contain only an icon.


It is a VBoxContainer with no separation between its elements.


A PanelContainer with clip_children_mode = CLIP_CHILDREN_ONLY to clip its children to its shape.


  • To make this node work properly, you have to assign a Theme and fill a PanelContainer type with a panel not null. If panel has rounded corners and this node has a TextureRect/ColorRect child that occupies all node, its corners will be rounded.
  • If your children look semitransparent, it is because of the theme.


Anyone is welcomed to open a issue requesting a new component, improving already existing ones or reporting bugs.

Code style:

  • Follow Godot style guidelines (read until the end).
  • In .h:
    • Public enums.
    • Private. Attributes.
    • Protected. _bind_methods and _notification.
    • Public. Setters and getters. Setter parameter is called p_<attribute>, for each attribute. Then _ methods and the others.
  • In .cpp:
    • Setters and getters.
    • Private methods.
    • Public methods.
    • _bind_methods. Follow same order when binding at _bind_methods, then enums and signals at end.
    • Constructor and destructor.
  • One empty line between functions.
  • Empty lines must not contain tabs or whitespaces.


  • Preferably, one commit per issue.
  • Commit messages must have this structure:
closes #XX, closes #YY; <description of issue XX>, <description of issue YY>


Before stable release, the add-on has to be compiled. These are the "recipes" I used:

scons platform=windows arch=x86_64 target=template_debug
scons platform=windows arch=x86_64 target=template_release
scons platform=windows arch=x86_32 target=template_debug
scons platform=windows arch=x86_32 target=template_release

scons platform=android arch=x86_64 target=template_debug
scons platform=android arch=x86_64 target=template_release
scons platform=android arch=arm64 target=template_debug
scons platform=android arch=arm64 target=template_release

scons platform=macos target=template_debug osxcross_sdk="darwin23"
scons platform=macos target=template_release osxcross_sdk="darwin23"

scons platform=linux arch=x86_64 target=template_debug
scons platform=linux arch=x86_64 target=template_release

This tutorial might be helpful is you face compiling.

Project Showcase

The project showcase is in the GitHub repository. It is a showcase of what you can do with this add-on.

Notice that:

  • For the Background and Contents scenes, the size is not the full window size, the NavBar height is subtracted. This is not mandatory, but recommended, since these are the dimensions when integrated on ACPageContainer.
  • Popup has to modify mouse_filter dynamically to work properly.
  • Popup configuration for animation: #19.
  • NavDrawer configuration for animation: #18.


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