My analysis includs analysing the sales of video games all around the world, I used more than one Tidyverse packges, and collected the data from Kaggle.
====================================================================================================================================================================== Vignette on Tidyverse packages by Alexis Mekueko
Github Link: Web link: data source:
This assignment is about getting familiar with two or more Tidyverse packages. So, I am going to write a vignette using readr, dplyr , and stringr which are part of the core tidyverse packages used for data analysis.
For this assignment, I found a dataset from about the 500 greatest songs of all time. I am going to use it to practice tidyverse packages as states in the description part. The data is large for display and might cause some issue in attemptin to display all output.
Below is sample of code...for full view, please use web link or Github link.
# load the csv file which has all the variable.
Top_500Songs <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# file to big, cleaning/removing the column I don't need
Top_500Songs <- Top_500Songs [, -2]
# saving the new csv file
#view the details of top_500songs
# let's check if there is a missing value in a specific column
# return 06 rows with empty values...tempted to delete data but will not do it need
Top_500Songs %>%
filter( | streak == "")
# another way
filter(Top_500Songs, | streak == "")
filter(Top_500Songs, !grepl("weeks", streak))
# Being in the top 500 greatest songs of all time, I will assum the song hits the hit parade of billboard for few months...lets check that
Top_500Songs %>%
filter(grepl("weeks", streak))
my analysis includs analysing the sales of video games all around the world, I used more than one Tidyverse packges, and collected the data from Kaggle.
Any additional analysis is welcome.
Rachel Greenlee extended Karim's work by displaying only PC games since 2010 by genre in an animated bar chart by year. This is an exaple of how to extend ggplot's functionality using the gganimate package, which can be used for animated bar charts or bubble charts.
Name: Arushi Arora
The core tidyverse package includes "readr", "tidyr" and "dplyr"
provides a fast and friendly way to read rectangular datatidyr
provides a set of functions that help you get to tidy data. Tidy data is data with a consistent form: in brief, every variable goes in a column, and every column is a variabledplyr
provides a grammar of data manipulation, providing a consistent set of verbs that solve the most common data manipulation
Read the csv for the article published on Five Thirty Eight from Github using readr
. Rename all the variables using dplyr
package and remove the first row with no real reponses. Mutate the variable type to factor using the function mutate
for further analysis
The dataset was imported and cleaned using packages in TidyVerse
Import CSV from Github
urlfile="" steakdata<- readr::read_csv(url(urlfile))
Rename variables
steakdata1 = dplyr::rename(steakdata, "lottery" = "Consider the following hypothetical situations: <br>In Lottery A, you have a 50% chance of success, with a payout of $100. <br>In Lottery B, you have a 90% chance of success, with a payout of $20. <br><br>Assuming you have $10 to bet, would you play Lottery A or Lottery B?", "smoke_cigs" = "Do you ever smoke cigarettes?" , "drink_alcohol" = "Do you ever drink alcohol?", "gamble" = "Do you ever gamble?", "skydiving" = "Have you ever been skydiving?", "overspeeding" = "Do you ever drive above the speed limit?", "cheat_patner" = "Have you ever cheated on your significant other?", "eat_steak" = "Do you eat steak?", "steak_prep" = "How do you like your steak prepared?", "hh_income" = "Household Income", "location" = "Location (Census Region)")
Remove first row
steakdata2 <- steakdata1[-c(1), ]
Code for populating the tables from .csv file stored locally
steakdata3 <- steakdata2 %>% as_tibble() steakdata4 <- steakdata3 %>% mutate(lottery = as.factor(lottery)) %>% mutate(smoke_cigs = as.factor(smoke_cigs)) %>% mutate(drink_alcohol = as.factor(drink_alcohol)) %>% mutate(gamble = as.factor(gamble)) %>% mutate(skydiving = as.factor(skydiving)) %>% mutate(overspeeding = as.factor(overspeeding)) %>% mutate(cheat_patner = as.factor(cheat_patner)) %>% mutate(eat_steak = as.factor(eat_steak)) %>% mutate(steak_prep = as.factor(steak_prep)) %>% mutate(Gender = as.factor(Gender)) %>% mutate(Age = as.factor(Age)) %>% mutate(hh_income = as.factor(hh_income)) %>% mutate(Education = as.factor(Education)) %>% mutate(location = as.factor(location))
Ian Costello Tidyverse Create
I decided to pick a data set regarding the senate race fundamentals. Using dplyr and stringr, I created a new column "state_ID for just the two character initials of states. I also filtered based on what I believe are the most competitive states this cycle.
CUNY DATA 607 TIDYVERSE Collaborative project
The accompanying vignette is a breif introduct to the GGplot2 package.
GGplot2 is a grammatically layered approch towards visualizations. The combinations of the layers, features, and options are nearly endless, providing a fully customizable visual to cater any data set. For this example, we will be using categorical information based on a Holloween Candy survey.
Below is a very basic snapshot of the GGplot2 package and its potential. Lets tackle the below concepts. -Set-up -Objects -Aesthetics -Facets -Coordinates
BDavidoff Tidyverse CREATE - packages: [ggplot2, dpylr] data source: [COVID and presidental approval ratings (]
Using ggExtra for Exploratory Plotting by Rachel Greenlee -adding boxplots and histograms to axis of a standard scatterplot -super quick frequency histograms
Magnus Skonberg extended Rachel's work by exploring the frequency UFO sightings within the US and applying plotCount(), removeGrid(), ggMarginal(), and rotateTextX() functions.
CREATE Vignette Tidyverse Project describes how to use tidyverse functions see palmorezm_tidyverse_vignette for importing data from comma separated values
Orli Khaimova
relevels the levels of a factor in reverse order. In this case, I factored the regions and then used the function in order to put them in reverse alphabetical order. By doing so, I was able to print the regions alphabetically in the graph.
graphs the interval for the average price of avocados for each region. I had to define a ymin and ymax as well. It is useful for drawing confidence intervals and in this case the range of prices.
avocados <- read.csv("")
avocados$Date <- as.Date(avocados$Date)
avocados$year <- as.character(avocados$year)
#factors the regions and then using forcats, we reverse the order to make it z-a
avocados$region <- avocados$region %>%
as.factor() %>%
avocados %>%
ggplot(aes(y = AveragePrice, x = region,
ymin = AveragePrice-sd(AveragePrice), ymax = AveragePrice+sd(AveragePrice))) +
geom_pointrange(aes(color = as.factor(region)), size =.01) +
ylab("Average Price") +
xlab("Region") +
ggtitle("Average Price Range") +
coord_flip() +
theme(legend.position = "none")
======= Douglas Barley added KivaLoans.Rmd vignette demonstrating group_by() and ggplot() functions from the Tidyverse.
title: "Getting to know dplyr & stringr"
author: "Jered Ataky"
date: "r Sys.Date()
toc: true
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Getting to know dplyr & stringr}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
"dplyr" is one of the tidyverse packages, and it is used for data manipulation. In other words, it is a grammar of data manipulation providing verbs that help to solve many problems faced in data manipulation.
"stringir" in the other is also one of a tidyverse package, and it is focused on string manipulation. stringir is a grammar of string manipulation. It provides set of functions designed to make working with strings easier.
Note that tidyverse is just a collection of R packages underlying same design philosophy, grammar, and data structure. For more info about dplyr and stringir, read here.
Here, we are going to explore five major verbs for dplyr: filter(), select(), arrange(), mutate(), summarize()
and seven functions for stringr: str_subset(), str_detect(), str_count(), str_locate(), str_extract(), str_split(), str_replace(), str_match()
Throughout this part of the vignette, we make use of "student performance", a dataset containing a sample of 1000 observations of 8 variables from kaggle datasets.
# library
# load in the dataset
data <- read.csv("")
# take a look at its structure
The filter function picks cases by their values. Let say you want to pick students which math score is 100, you might write:
data %>%
filter(math.score == 100)
Similarly, if you want to pick students which math, writing, and reading score are all 100, you might write:
data %>%
filter(math.score == 100, writing.score == 100, reading.score == 100)
This second verb lets you select variables based on their names. Let say you want to select only the variables gender, math.score, and writing.score, you might write:
data2 <- data %>%
select(gender, writing.score, reading.score)
# Print five first students
head(data2, 6)
Arrange function lets reordering the cases in the order that you want. Let say that you want to reorder the head of previous selected variables data frame (data2) in descending order of students math score, you might write:
# name the head of data2 as data3
data3 <- head(data2, 6)
# Reorder in descending order of math score
data3 %>%
The mutate function creates new variables that are functions of the existing variables. Let say you want to create "english.score" which is the average of writing.score and reading.score, you might write:
data3 %>%
mutate(english.score = (writing.score + reading.score) / 2)
If you are interesting in keeping only the new variable from the existing variables, let say you want to keep only english.score and not the two others, you might use another function called transmuse():
data4 <- data3 %>%
transmute(gender, english.score = (writing.score + reading.score) / 2)
Here we will introduce the function group_by which helps grouping by the variable you want to do your summary. Let say you are interested in the summary of the average score of different gender in math, you might write:
data %>%
group_by(gender) %>%
summarize( math_score = sum (math.score)/ n())
The strings functions take for arguments one vector of strings and a second argument being the pattern. For this entire part of the vignette, we will use one vector of strings v and same pattern p which will be the regular expression matching any single character that is a vowel.
# library
# Define the vector of strings
v <- c("sonority", "meal", "try", "cocktail", "cinema", "maximum", "mass")
# Pattern matching any vowel
p <- "[aeiou]"
subset function will let you extract strings that contain vowels.
str_subset(v, p)
detect function detects if there is any match pattern. If you want to detect if there is any vowel in any components of v, you might write:
str_detect(v, p)
if you want to count the number of vowels in each components of the vector of strings, you might write:
str_count(v, p)
locate function helps you locate where there is the match. Let say that you want to know the position of vowels in each component of v, you might write:
str_locate(v, p)
extract function lets you extracting the first match pattern in the string. The following will let you extracting the first vowel in each components of v:
str_extract(v, p)
Here we are going to split up strings separated by comma in different pieces
s <- c("dada, mum", "uncle, auntie, cousin", "men, women")
str_split(s, ",")
replace function let you replace the first match pattern by the replacement argument that you specify. If you want to replace the first vowel in components of v by "/", you might write:
str_replace(v, p, "/")
If you want to extract the letter before the first vowel in components of vector of strings v, you might write:
str_match(v, "(.)[aeiou]")
For more about tidyverse packages:
In the vignettes folder we will hold the different vignette files. I added one called readr-package-gc
which serves as an introduction to readr
arrange() sorts the rows according to the values of the specified column, with the lowest values appearing near the top of the data frame.Place desc() around a column name to cause arrange() to sort by descending values of that column.
senFunURL <- ""
senFun <- read.csv(file = senFunURL, header = TRUE, sep = ",")
senFun <- senFun %>%
dplyr::mutate(state_ID = str_extract(district, "^[:alpha:]{2}")) %>%
filter(state_ID == "ME" | state_ID == "MI" | state_ID == "AL" | state_ID == "CO" | state_ID == "IA" | state_ID == "GA" | state_ID == "AZ" | state_ID == "NC" | state_ID == "SC")
======= #read csv file file<- read.csv("") #view(file)
list<>% arrange(desc(
title: "TidyVerse Recipe"
author: "Dariusz Siergiejuk"
date: "10**22**2020"
output: html_document
## TidyVerse CREATE assignment
In this assignment, you’ll practice collaborating around a code project with GitHub. You could consider our collective work as building out a book of examples on how to use TidyVerse functions.
Your task here is to Create an Example. Using one or more TidyVerse packages, and any data set from or Kaggle, create a programming sample “vignette” that demonstrates how to use one or more of the capabilities of the selected TidyVerse package with your selected data set. (25 points)
### Loading TidyVerse.
```{r, echo = FALSE}
drivers <- read_csv("")
drivers %>% ggplot(aes(x=reorder(State, -`Car Insurance Premiums ($)`), y=`Car Insurance Premiums ($)`, fill=State)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
guides(fill = FALSE) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, hjust = 1))
Tidyverse CREATE Assignment - Atina Karim
In this assignment I looked at Water Quality Data from the City of Austin's online data portal: The dataset contains the results of about a 1000 water quality tests performed on water bodies in Austin, in 2020.
I used tidyverse packages such as tidyr and dplyr to clean the dataset, and then visualized the data using ggplot2.
======= John Mazon TidyVerse Create Assignment - Analysis of Diamond clarity and depth correlation/frequency as well as ratio [pertaining to price to depth] using multiple TidyVerse functionalities
- Data Analysis of Grocery items sold using Groceries_dataset.csv
#Atina Karim extended DH Kim's CREATE Assignment on Groceries Data to illustrate additional dplyr and ggplot functions.
Change Log: 26 October: Added vignette w/ examples for purrr and forcats, Cameron Smith
palmorezm Extended Zhouxin Shi's dplyr filter vignette by adding another example of the filter function's usage and adding detail about the function and its arguments. Data used was identical to that of Zhouxin Shi's create vignette and it was used build on the existing examples. No changes were made to isolate dplyr::filter vigette. As such the read_csv and select functions remain as additional background for the extended portion of this vignette.
======= Douglas Barley extended Arushi Arora's CREATE by adding a table of how many people like their steak each way possible, and adding a ggplot showing the results graphically in descending order. Data was an extension of the final dataset in the CREATE example, steakdata4. Extension was to filter the steakdata4 dataset for only those respondents who eat steak, then select only the RespondentID and how each person liked their steak. Then create a table showing how many people like their steaks cooked to each distinct value in the steak_prep column, and order by the number of respondents in ascending order. In the graphing I reordered the responses in descending order, added colors for each value of how the steak is cooked, added labels to show the precise count on each aggregation, and clarified the labels on the plot.
title: "Tidyverse EXTEND - Magnus' code"
author: "Dominika Markowska-Desvallons"
date: "r Sys.Date()
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Vignette Title}
After downloading the .csv file from Kaggle and uploading it to Github, we read the corresponding data (in raw form) and then familiarize ourselves with the dataset by displaying column names and the 1st 6 observations.
#Read .csv data
happy_alc <- read_csv("")
#Familiarize ourselves with the dataset
You want to return a “subset” of columns from your data frame by listing the name of each column to return.
happy_alc %>%
You want to return two columns from a data frame as well as every column that appears between them.
happy_alc %>%
You want to return a “subset” of columns from your data frame by listing the position of each column to return.
happy_alc %>%
select(1, 3, 6)
I decidded to extend Magnus code by transforming his dataset with couple recipes of 'select', because as almost always tables are made of multiple data stuctures that work together The table itself is a data frame or tibble. The columns are vectors. Some columns may be list-columns, which are lists that contain vectors. To transform a table, I begin with a code - select by name, select range of columns and select columns by integer position that transforms the structure of the table.
#Take the sum of 3 columns (Beer_PerCapita, Spirit_PerCapita, and Wine_PerCapita) to form 1 column: Total
happy_alc_rev <- happy_alc %>%
mutate(TotalAlc = select(., Beer_PerCapita:Wine_PerCapita) %>% rowSums(na.rm = TRUE))
ggplot(happy_alc_rev, aes(x=HappinessScore, y=TotalAlc, color=Region)) +
geom_point() +
labs(title = "Alcohol Consumption vs. Happiness", subtitle = "(A visualization by region for 122 nations)", x = "Happiness Score", y = "Total Alcohol Consumption") +
geom_smooth(method=lm, color = "black")
Update: 7 November 2020 Author: Cameron Smith Summary: Added examples illustrating 'mutate' and 'transmute' functions to the original submission by Peter Fernandes
======= Orli Khaimova extending Douglas Barley's Vignette
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
Kiva loans are extremely small loans, called microloans, made to entrepreneurs who need small seed loans to start their businesses. The loans are made in order to help better communities one entrepreneur at a time. The dataset used in this vignette consists of a set of Kiva loans made in calendar year 2016 around the globe. For the purpose of this vignette, the loans data was pared down to make the file size < 25 MB.
kiva <- read.csv("")
The 2016 data includes 197,236 observations of 14 variables.
The Tidyverse contains many packages that are useful in R for cleaning and
exploring data. When faced with a fairly long dataset, such as the Kiva set in
this example, it is useful to be able to count the data in a single column while
grouping the counts according to discrete values in that column. The group_by
function in the dplyr
corner of the Tidyverse helps to do just that. This helps
a programmer quickly explore what is in the data.
For example, it could be useful to know which countries received the most loans.
countries <- data.frame(kiva) %>%
group_by(country) %>%
summarize(count_loans = n())
Once we have a concise count of loans by country, it is helpful to be able to
all of the results in a single graphic. The ggplot()
function, also part of the
Tidyverse, is very helpful in
the visualization realm.
ggplot(data = countries) + geom_col(aes(x = country, y = count_loans)) +
ggtitle("Loans Disbursed by Country") +
coord_flip() +
ylab('Loan Count') +
There are so many countries where loans were disbursed that it is difficult to read each country's name. In order to simplify the listing and visualizations, let's identify the top 10 countries that received loans.
countries_top10 <- head(arrange(countries,desc(count_loans)), n = 10)
Now we can graph the top 10 countries that received loans.
ggplot(data = countries_top10) + geom_col(aes(x = reorder(country, count_loans), count_loans)) +
ggtitle("Loans Disbursed by Country") +
coord_flip() +
ylab('Loan Count') +
That's much more legible! Now we can see that the Philippines received the most Kiva loans of any country in 2016.
Orli Khaimova extending Douglas' vignette
In order to see the order of which countries received the most loans more efficiently,
we can sort the data in descending order, from greatest to least. We can use the
function from the dplyr
package. It orders the rows of a data frame by
the specified column. By default, it sorts from least to greatest, so we would
have to specify descending order. Furthermore, a by_group
argument can be
used if we want to group variables.
countries <- countries %>%
From here, we can see that Phillipines, Kenya, and Cambodia have the most loans.
We can also look further into those countries to see what the loans were taken out for. To do so, we will:
to create a new column and find counts of variables group-wise- It is equivalent to
used together
- It is equivalent to
to add an extra column in the data set with ranksdense_rank
to return the rank of rows- It will rank the rows, in descending order, with no gaps. This means when there are ties, it will give it the same rank.
to subset rows using column values- In this case, we are selecting the top 5 ranks or groups with largest loan counts
to factor the sector columngroup_by
, andungroup
to find the counts for each sector by countrygroup_by
, andungroup
to give ranks to each sector by countryfilter
to find the top 5 sectors for each country
We then proceed to create a graph for the top 5 sectors in those 5 countries. We
can see the distribution of the loans by their sector types. We can use
to create a separate graph for each country.
top_5_countries <- kiva %>%
add_count(country, name = "count_loans") %>%
mutate(rank = dense_rank(desc(count_loans))) %>%
filter(rank %in% 1:5) %>%
mutate(sector = as.factor(sector)) %>%
group_by(country, sector) %>%
mutate(sector_count = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(country) %>%
mutate(sector_rank = dense_rank(desc(sector_count))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(sector_rank %in% 1:5)
ggplot(top_5_countries) +
geom_bar(aes(x = sector, y = count_loans, fill = country), stat = "identity") +
coord_flip() +
facet_wrap(~country, scales = "free", ncol = 2) +
ggtitle("Distribution of Activities for Loans") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), legend.position = "none") +
ylab("") +
My analysis includs analysing the sales of video games all around the world, I used more than one Tidyverse packges, and collected the data from Kaggle.
====================================================================================================================================================================== Vignette on Tidyverse packages by Alexis Mekueko
Github Link: Web link: data source:
This assignment is about getting familiar with two or more Tidyverse packages. So, I am going to write a vignette using readr, dplyr , and stringr which are part of the core tidyverse packages used for data analysis.
For this assignment, I found a dataset from about the 500 greatest songs of all time. I am going to use it to practice tidyverse packages as states in the description part. The data is large for display and might cause some issue in attemptin to display all output.
Below is sample of code...for full view, please use web link or Github link.
# load the csv file which has all the variable.
Top_500Songs <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# file to big, cleaning/removing the column I don't need
Top_500Songs <- Top_500Songs [, -2]
# saving the new csv file
#view the details of top_500songs
# let's check if there is a missing value in a specific column
# return 06 rows with empty values...tempted to delete data but will not do it need
Top_500Songs %>%
filter( | streak == "")
# another way
filter(Top_500Songs, | streak == "")
filter(Top_500Songs, !grepl("weeks", streak))
# Being in the top 500 greatest songs of all time, I will assum the song hits the hit parade of billboard for few months...lets check that
Top_500Songs %>%
filter(grepl("weeks", streak))
my analysis includs analysing the sales of video games all around the world, I used more than one Tidyverse packges, and collected the data from Kaggle.
Any additional analysis is welcome.
Rachel Greenlee extended Karim's work by displaying only PC games since 2010 by genre in an animated bar chart by year. This is an exaple of how to extend ggplot's functionality using the gganimate package, which can be used for animated bar charts or bubble charts.
Name: Arushi Arora
The core tidyverse package includes "readr", "tidyr" and "dplyr"
provides a fast and friendly way to read rectangular datatidyr
provides a set of functions that help you get to tidy data. Tidy data is data with a consistent form: in brief, every variable goes in a column, and every column is a variabledplyr
provides a grammar of data manipulation, providing a consistent set of verbs that solve the most common data manipulation
Read the csv for the article published on Five Thirty Eight from Github using readr
. Rename all the variables using dplyr
package and remove the first row with no real reponses. Mutate the variable type to factor using the function mutate
for further analysis
The dataset was imported and cleaned using packages in TidyVerse
Import CSV from Github
urlfile="" steakdata<- readr::read_csv(url(urlfile))
Rename variables
steakdata1 = dplyr::rename(steakdata, "lottery" = "Consider the following hypothetical situations: <br>In Lottery A, you have a 50% chance of success, with a payout of $100. <br>In Lottery B, you have a 90% chance of success, with a payout of $20. <br><br>Assuming you have $10 to bet, would you play Lottery A or Lottery B?", "smoke_cigs" = "Do you ever smoke cigarettes?" , "drink_alcohol" = "Do you ever drink alcohol?", "gamble" = "Do you ever gamble?", "skydiving" = "Have you ever been skydiving?", "overspeeding" = "Do you ever drive above the speed limit?", "cheat_patner" = "Have you ever cheated on your significant other?", "eat_steak" = "Do you eat steak?", "steak_prep" = "How do you like your steak prepared?", "hh_income" = "Household Income", "location" = "Location (Census Region)")
Remove first row
steakdata2 <- steakdata1[-c(1), ]
Code for populating the tables from .csv file stored locally
steakdata3 <- steakdata2 %>% as_tibble() steakdata4 <- steakdata3 %>% mutate(lottery = as.factor(lottery)) %>% mutate(smoke_cigs = as.factor(smoke_cigs)) %>% mutate(drink_alcohol = as.factor(drink_alcohol)) %>% mutate(gamble = as.factor(gamble)) %>% mutate(skydiving = as.factor(skydiving)) %>% mutate(overspeeding = as.factor(overspeeding)) %>% mutate(cheat_patner = as.factor(cheat_patner)) %>% mutate(eat_steak = as.factor(eat_steak)) %>% mutate(steak_prep = as.factor(steak_prep)) %>% mutate(Gender = as.factor(Gender)) %>% mutate(Age = as.factor(Age)) %>% mutate(hh_income = as.factor(hh_income)) %>% mutate(Education = as.factor(Education)) %>% mutate(location = as.factor(location))
Ian Costello Tidyverse Create
I decided to pick a data set regarding the senate race fundamentals. Using dplyr and stringr, I created a new column "state_ID for just the two character initials of states. I also filtered based on what I believe are the most competitive states this cycle.
CUNY DATA 607 TIDYVERSE Collaborative project
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
In this assignment, you’ll practice collaborating around a code project with GitHub. You could consider our collective work as building out a book of examples on how to use TidyVerse functions. datasets.
Your task here is to Create an Example. Using one or more TidyVerse packages, and any dataset from or Kaggle, create a programming sample “vignette” that demonstrates how to use one or more of the capabilities of the selected TidyVerse package with your selected dataset. (25 points)
Later (see next assignment below), you'll be asked to extend an existing vignette. Using one of your classmate’s examples (as created above), you'll then extend his or her example with additional annotated code. (15 points)
You should clone the provided repository. Once you have code to submit, you should make a pull request on the shared repository. You should also update the file with your example.
After you’ve created your vignette, please submit your GitHub handle name in the submission link provided below.
You should complete your submission on the schedule stated in the course syllabus.
The dataset I chose came from article We Watched 906 Foul Balls To Find Out Where The Most Dangerous Ones Land.
foul<-read.csv("", na.strings=c("NA", "NULL"))
names(foul)<-c("Matchup","Game_Date", "Type_of_Hit","Exit_Velocity", "Predicted_Zone", "Camera_Zone", "Used_Zone")
In order to have a general visualization of the designated zones, I attached a photo from the article We Watched 906 Foul Balls To Find Out Where The Most Dangerous Ones Land.

I will use dplyr from the Tidyverse package.
As a huge baseball fan, I wanted to filter out the outermost predicted zone and compare it to the exit velocity.
foul %>%
Since this is a large data set, I wanted to take a look at the top 20 highest exit velocities.
foul %>%
I used the summarize function from dplyr to generate some statistics for the exit velocity.
foul_sum <- group_by(foul_info, Type_of_Hit)
foul_sum <- summarise(foul_sum,Min=min(Exit_Velocity),Max = max(Exit_Velocity),Median=median(Exit_Velocity), Mean=round(mean(Exit_Velocity),1))
======= The accompanying vignette is a breif introduct to the GGplot2 package.
GGplot2 is a grammatically layered approch towards visualizations. The combinations of the layers, features, and options are nearly endless, providing a fully customizable visual to cater any data set. For this example, we will be using categorical information based on a Holloween Candy survey.
Below is a very basic snapshot of the GGplot2 package and its potential. Lets tackle the below concepts. -Set-up -Objects -Aesthetics -Facets -Coordinates
BDavidoff Tidyverse CREATE - packages: [ggplot2, dpylr] data source: [COVID and presidental approval ratings (] Also Extended the work of Karim Hammoud by adding dpylr function for grouping
Using ggExtra for Exploratory Plotting by Rachel Greenlee -adding boxplots and histograms to axis of a standard scatterplot -super quick frequency histograms
Magnus Skonberg extended Rachel's work by exploring the frequency UFO sightings within the US and applying plotCount(), removeGrid(), ggMarginal(), and rotateTextX() functions.
CREATE Vignette Tidyverse Project describes how to use tidyverse functions see palmorezm_tidyverse_vignette for importing data from comma separated values
Orli Khaimova
relevels the levels of a factor in reverse order. In this case, I factored the regions and then used the function in order to put them in reverse alphabetical order. By doing so, I was able to print the regions alphabetically in the graph.
graphs the interval for the average price of avocados for each region. I had to define a ymin and ymax as well. It is useful for drawing confidence intervals and in this case the range of prices.
avocados <- read.csv("")
avocados$Date <- as.Date(avocados$Date)
avocados$year <- as.character(avocados$year)
#factors the regions and then using forcats, we reverse the order to make it z-a
avocados$region <- avocados$region %>%
as.factor() %>%
avocados %>%
ggplot(aes(y = AveragePrice, x = region,
ymin = AveragePrice-sd(AveragePrice), ymax = AveragePrice+sd(AveragePrice))) +
geom_pointrange(aes(color = as.factor(region)), size =.01) +
ylab("Average Price") +
xlab("Region") +
ggtitle("Average Price Range") +
coord_flip() +
theme(legend.position = "none")
======= Douglas Barley added KivaLoans.Rmd vignette demonstrating group_by() and ggplot() functions from the Tidyverse.
title: "Getting to know dplyr & stringr"
author: "Jered Ataky"
date: "r Sys.Date()
toc: true
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Getting to know dplyr & stringr}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
"dplyr" is one of the tidyverse packages, and it is used for data manipulation. In other words, it is a grammar of data manipulation providing verbs that help to solve many problems faced in data manipulation.
"stringir" in the other is also one of a tidyverse package, and it is focused on string manipulation. stringir is a grammar of string manipulation. It provides set of functions designed to make working with strings easier.
Note that tidyverse is just a collection of R packages underlying same design philosophy, grammar, and data structure. For more info about dplyr and stringir, read here.
Here, we are going to explore five major verbs for dplyr: filter(), select(), arrange(), mutate(), summarize()
and seven functions for stringr: str_subset(), str_detect(), str_count(), str_locate(), str_extract(), str_split(), str_replace(), str_match()
Throughout this part of the vignette, we make use of "student performance", a dataset containing a sample of 1000 observations of 8 variables from kaggle datasets.
# library
# load in the dataset
data <- read.csv("")
# take a look at its structure
The filter function picks cases by their values. Let say you want to pick students which math score is 100, you might write:
data %>%
filter(math.score == 100)
Similarly, if you want to pick students which math, writing, and reading score are all 100, you might write:
data %>%
filter(math.score == 100, writing.score == 100, reading.score == 100)
This second verb lets you select variables based on their names. Let say you want to select only the variables gender, math.score, and writing.score, you might write:
data2 <- data %>%
select(gender, writing.score, reading.score)
# Print five first students
head(data2, 6)
Arrange function lets reordering the cases in the order that you want. Let say that you want to reorder the head of previous selected variables data frame (data2) in descending order of students math score, you might write:
# name the head of data2 as data3
data3 <- head(data2, 6)
# Reorder in descending order of math score
data3 %>%
The mutate function creates new variables that are functions of the existing variables. Let say you want to create "english.score" which is the average of writing.score and reading.score, you might write:
data3 %>%
mutate(english.score = (writing.score + reading.score) / 2)
If you are interesting in keeping only the new variable from the existing variables, let say you want to keep only english.score and not the two others, you might use another function called transmuse():
data4 <- data3 %>%
transmute(gender, english.score = (writing.score + reading.score) / 2)
Here we will introduce the function group_by which helps grouping by the variable you want to do your summary. Let say you are interested in the summary of the average score of different gender in math, you might write:
data %>%
group_by(gender) %>%
summarize( math_score = sum (math.score)/ n())
The strings functions take for arguments one vector of strings and a second argument being the pattern. For this entire part of the vignette, we will use one vector of strings v and same pattern p which will be the regular expression matching any single character that is a vowel.
# library
# Define the vector of strings
v <- c("sonority", "meal", "try", "cocktail", "cinema", "maximum", "mass")
# Pattern matching any vowel
p <- "[aeiou]"
subset function will let you extract strings that contain vowels.
str_subset(v, p)
detect function detects if there is any match pattern. If you want to detect if there is any vowel in any components of v, you might write:
str_detect(v, p)
if you want to count the number of vowels in each components of the vector of strings, you might write:
str_count(v, p)
locate function helps you locate where there is the match. Let say that you want to know the position of vowels in each component of v, you might write:
str_locate(v, p)
extract function lets you extracting the first match pattern in the string. The following will let you extracting the first vowel in each components of v:
str_extract(v, p)
Here we are going to split up strings separated by comma in different pieces
s <- c("dada, mum", "uncle, auntie, cousin", "men, women")
str_split(s, ",")
replace function let you replace the first match pattern by the replacement argument that you specify. If you want to replace the first vowel in components of v by "/", you might write:
str_replace(v, p, "/")
If you want to extract the letter before the first vowel in components of vector of strings v, you might write:
str_match(v, "(.)[aeiou]")
For more about tidyverse packages:
Zhouxin Shi CREATE - function(read_csv,filter,select), data(Public Use Microdata Sample)
Zhouxin Shi Extended - function(filter,arrange,summarize )
- arrange() orders the rows of a data frame by the values of selected columns.
- filter() this function is used to subset a data frame, retaining all rows that satisfy your conditions. To be retained, the row must produce a value of TRUE for all conditions..
- summarize()
creates a new data frame. It will have one (or more) rows for each combination of grouping variables; if there are no grouping variables, the output will have a single row summarising all observations in the input.
Ellen Kim EXTEND - Using select with exclusions, and renaming while subsetting
In the vignettes folder we will hold the different vignette files. I added one called readr-package-gc
which serves as an introduction to readr
arrange() sorts the rows according to the values of the specified column, with the lowest values appearing near the top of the data frame.Place desc() around a column name to cause arrange() to sort by descending values of that column.
senFunURL <- ""
senFun <- read.csv(file = senFunURL, header = TRUE, sep = ",")
senFun <- senFun %>%
dplyr::mutate(state_ID = str_extract(district, "^[:alpha:]{2}")) %>%
filter(state_ID == "ME" | state_ID == "MI" | state_ID == "AL" | state_ID == "CO" | state_ID == "IA" | state_ID == "GA" | state_ID == "AZ" | state_ID == "NC" | state_ID == "SC")
======= #read csv file file<- read.csv("") #view(file)
list<>% arrange(desc(
title: "TidyVerse Recipe"
author: "Dariusz Siergiejuk"
date: "10**22**2020"
output: html_document
## TidyVerse CREATE assignment
In this assignment, you’ll practice collaborating around a code project with GitHub. You could consider our collective work as building out a book of examples on how to use TidyVerse functions.
Your task here is to Create an Example. Using one or more TidyVerse packages, and any data set from or Kaggle, create a programming sample “vignette” that demonstrates how to use one or more of the capabilities of the selected TidyVerse package with your selected data set. (25 points)
### Loading TidyVerse.
```{r, echo = FALSE}
drivers <- read_csv("")
drivers %>% ggplot(aes(x=reorder(State, -`Car Insurance Premiums ($)`), y=`Car Insurance Premiums ($)`, fill=State)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
guides(fill = FALSE) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, hjust = 1))
Tidyverse CREATE Assignment - Atina Karim
In this assignment I looked at Water Quality Data from the City of Austin's online data portal: The dataset contains the results of about a 1000 water quality tests performed on water bodies in Austin, in 2020.
I used tidyverse packages such as tidyr and dplyr to clean the dataset, and then visualized the data using ggplot2.
======= John Mazon TidyVerse Create Assignment - Analysis of Diamond clarity and depth correlation/frequency as well as ratio [pertaining to price to depth] using multiple TidyVerse functionalities
- Data Analysis of Grocery items sold using Groceries_dataset.csv ======= Change Log: 26 October: Added vignette w/ examples for purrr and forcats, Cameron Smith
palmorezm Extended Zhouxin Shi's dplyr filter vignette by adding another example of the filter function's usage and adding detail about the function and its arguments. Data used was identical to that of Zhouxin Shi's create vignette and it was used build on the existing examples. No changes were made to isolate dplyr::filter vigette. As such the read_csv and select functions remain as additional background for the extended portion of this vignette.
title: "TidyVerse EXTEND Assignment" author: "Jered Ataky" date: "2020-11-6" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Vignette Title} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
In this "Tidyverse EXTEND" recipe, we are going to extend the work created by "Zhouxin Shi".
There will be two parts: "The original recipe: tidyverse CREATE" which is the vignette created by Zhouxin, and "Tidyverse EXTEND" which is our additional work (code) to the original recipe.
In this assignment, you’ll practice collaborating around a code project with GitHub. You could consider our collective work as building out a book of examples on how to use TidyVerse functions.
GitHub repository: datasets.
Kaggle datasets.
Your task here is to Create an Example. Using one or more TidyVerse packages, and any dataset from or Kaggle, create a programming sample “vignette” that demonstrates how to use one or more of the capabilities of the selected TidyVerse package with your selected dataset. (25 points)
pums <- read_csv("")
filter(pums,Age > 36)
As this vignette is about dplyr, we are going to extend this work by adding different other functions of the same package. The first part explored the functions select() and filter(), here we are going to add three other main verbs of dplyr: arrange(), mutate(), and summarize().
Throughout this second part of the vignette, we make use of the subset of pums data set created using select() function as in part 1 above.
df <- pums %>%
Arrange function reorders the cases in the order that you want. Let say you want to reorder pums data frame descending order, you might write:
Arrange function lets reordering the cases in the order that you want. Let say that you want to reorder the head of previous selected variables data frame (data2) in descending order of students math score, you might write:
# Reorder in descending order of math score
df %>%
The mutate function creates new variables that are functions of the existing variables. Let say you want to create "Total_Other_Sources_of_Income" variable which is the difference between "Total_Personal_Income" and "Total_Personal_Earnings", you might write:
df %>%
= Total_Personal_Income - Total_Personal_Earnings)
Let say you are interesting in keeping only the new variable created from the existing variables, meaning keeping only "Total_Other_Sources_of_Income" variable but neither "Total_Personal_Income" nor "Total_Personal_Earnings", you might use another function called transmuse():
df1 <- df %>%
transmute(Age, SEX,
Total_Other_Sources_of_Income = Total_Personal_Income - Total_Personal_Earnings )
summarize() will be used with group_by function group_by which helps grouping the data set by a variable. Let say you are interested in the summary of the average total personal income by sex, you might write:
# Note that we remove missing values in the calculation to calculate the average
df %>%
group_by(SEX) %>%
summarize(average_total_income =
sum(Total_Personal_Income, na.rm = TRUE) / n())