Project: PyClustering
Version: 0.6.dev0
License: GNU General Public License
E-Mail: [email protected]
Based on:
- Python >= 3.4 windows 64-bit
- Python >= 3.4 linux 64-bit
- C++ 11 (MVS, GCC compilers)
Required following packages by pyclustering:
- scipy, matplotlib, numpy, PIL
Index of packages for Windows:
Index of packages for Linux:
- sudo apt-get install python3-numpy
- sudo apt-get install python3-scipy
- sudo apt-get install python3-matplotlib
- sudo apt-get install python3-pil
What is implemented in the project.
Clustering algorithms (module pyclustering.cluster):
- BIRCH [Python]
- CURE [Python, C++]
- DBSCAN [Python, C++]
- Agglomerative [Python]
- HSyncNet [Python, C++]
- K-Means [Python, C++]
- K-Medians [Python]
- K-Medoids [Python]
- OPTICS [Python]
- ROCK [Python, C++]
- SyncNet [Python, C++]
- SyncSom [Python]
- X-Means [Python, C++]
Oscillatory networks and neural networks (module pyclustering.nnet):
- HHN (Oscillatory network based on Hodgkin-Huxley model) [Python]
- Hysteresis Oscillatory Network [Python]
- LEGION (Local Excitatory Global Inhibitory Oscillatory Network) [Python, C++]
- PCNN (Pulse-Coupled Neural Network) [Python, C++]
- SOM (Self-Organized Map) [Python, C++]
- Sync (Oscillatory network based on Kuramoto model) [Python, C++]
- SyncPR (Oscillatory network for pattern recognition) [Python, C++]
Graph Coloring Algorithms (module pyclustering.gcolor):
- DSatur [Python]
- Hysteresis [Python]
- Sync [Python]
Containers (module pyclustering.container):
- KD Tree [Python, C++]
- CF Tree [Python]
In case of any questions or proposals related to the pyclustering please contact to [email protected].