This framework allows you to automate your computational pipelines.
is open source and distributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD
It is designed to automate the drudge work of managing many numerical simulations. As an automation framework it does the following:
- helps you organize your simulations.
- helps you orchestrate running simulations and then post-processing the results from these.
- helps you reuse code for the post processing of your simulation data.
- execute all your simulations and post-processing with one command.
- optionally distribute your simulations among other computers on your network.
This greatly facilitates reproducibility. Automan is written in pure Python and is easy to install.
You should be able to install automan using pip as:
$ pip install automan
If you want to run on the bleeding edge, you may also clone this repository, change directory into the created directory and run either:
$ python install
$ python develop
Documentation for this project is available at
There is a paper on automan
that motivates and describes the software:
- Prabhu Ramachandran, "automan: A Python-Based Automation Framework for Numerical Computing," in Computing in Science & Engineering, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 81-97, 2018. doi:10.1109/MCSE.2018.05329818
A draft of this paper is available here:
To see a complete example of a research publication using this framework, see here:
The README.rst
in that repository documents how to set everything up. The
scripts to look at are in
A simpler example project which uses automan is here:
The name automan comes from an old serial with the same name. Most other names were taken on pypi.