Uses Reddit to scrape top and trending posts and reposts them onto tumblrs
I made a bot that automates managing the Tumblrs in one convenient program. it can handle multiple accounts
it for every tumblr account info you add, you also add a subreddit. now what the bot will do is once every 24 hours it will check the subreddit u specified. and scrape the top 10 "HOT" posts and post them to ur tumblr.
Currently only supporting Videos, Images, and Links to articles.
Python (can run on a linux vps) Multi account support (Uses Tumblr's API) Low memory
Found that following a ton of people 3 - 4 times increased the activity (likes and reblogs) on my blogs so i added a new update that will auto follow other people. Currently working on new features to remove double posts
import praw
from tumblpy import Tumblpy
import time
from random import randrange
from configparser import RawConfigParser
from threading import Thread
from robobrowser import RoboBrowser
import requests
So u gotta install "praw", "tumblpy", and i believe configparser, threading, time, and random come preinstalled.