Blogify is a simple tool for users to write, edit and share technical/non-technical blogs with their respective audiences.
Idea is to build a subset of what Hashnode does for the dev community.
- As a user, I should be able to create blogs with unique URL [DONE]
- As a user, I should be able to edit blogs [DONE]
- As a user, I should be able to view all available public blogs [DONE]
- As a user, I should be able to signup/login with google as IDP [Auth] [Done]
- As a user, I should be able to signup/login with GitHub as IDP [Auth] [Done]
- As a user, I should be able to signup/login with Facebook as IDP [Auth] (optional)
- As a user, I should be able to view all my past blogs
- As a user, I should be able to like, share, and comment on blogs
- As the author of the post, I should be able to reply to comments on blogs
We will be using the following technologies as part of bootstrapping our application:
- NextJS with API routes
- Firebase Auth (for user authentication)
- Firestore (for storing user blogs)
- Docker (to containerize Next App)
- Cloud Run (host containerized app with minimal configuration)
- Firebase Auth prebuilt UI
- Flowbite React UI Components for quick bootstrapping over tailwind built components
- Editor: TipTap
- Users collection: /users/{id}, to keep track of logged in users (shall be updated on
side effect to sync users in firestore automatically myBlogs Blogs: Comments Replies Likes Views
Note: Below mentioned is a schema, which is good to start with w.r.t maintaining data for users, user’s blogs and some future functionalities supporting comments, replies, likes and views.
Client: For authentication for client-side users, we will use Firebase auth (via google/signin anonymously and github as IDP) Third party users: For Exposing APIs: For each route we can setup custom CORS handler with allowable methods (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) We can accept API_SECRET_KEY on middleware to handle third party authentication
- Dockerized Next Application
- Added Deploy script to automatically deploy to cloud run with one single CLI command
- Started Thinking about what I should build, and I chose Blogs :p, I wanted to create a blogging website for so long
- Created Firestore Schema in
- Added Firebase Auth in App, with Google and Github as IDP
- Added Firebase Auth Prebuilt UI, faced some issues with React wrapper over Firebaseui
- Focused on Adding FirebaseAuthProvider in one of the best possible way in code (afaik)
- Focused on completing signin/signout
- Decided to use some UI kit (flowbite) to speed up development
- Started working on Integrating Firestore with App
- Integrated POST API route with App, to create post
- Added logic for creating/editing Blogs from UI
- Decided to use TipTap as Editor Engine, as it is one of the best editors out there
- Tested stuff e2e
- pkg
- app
- Dockerfile
- next-env.d.ts
- next.config.mjs
- node_modules
- package.json
- postcss.config.cjs
- public
- src
- components
- env
- hooks
- interfaces
- lib
- firebase
- pages
- styles
- tailwind.config.cjs
- tsconfig.json
- yarn.lock
- firebase
- app