Install all the packages (ticked ones) in the ST3 following this.
Now, follow this steps:
And now, open a workspace inside which all the libs, other example contracts are available.
Import any ext. files using this -
- All folder suggestions appear.
#include <../>
- Goto the folder say eosiolib and now again files inside appear as suggestions.
#include <../eosiolib/>
- Goto the desired file.
#include <../eosiolib/eosio.hpp>
#include "eosiolib/"
Now, carry on with the eosio_coding_essentials, following this
After the code is written,
on the folder and clickOpen terminal here
- In the terminal -
on Ubuntu, type$eoscc
(EOS Contract Compiler). Click here to install
alias cleos='cleos -u'
(NOT required, if added in ~/.profile file)- [OPTIONAL] Ensure the wallet is unlocked. If not, use this -
cleos wallet unlock
with password to unlock the default wallet. $eoscd
(EOS Contract Compiler). Click here to install
- By default, my bash terminal is set for Testnet with API =
. - But for mainnet, set the terminal profile accordingly with API.**
Follow these steps:
[OPTIONAL] Modify the config.ini file: (/home/abhijit/.local/share/eosio/nodeos/config/config.ini ) for nodeos
- edit using
sudo nano /home/abhijit/.local/share/eosio/nodeos/config/config.ini
- these parameters are (optional) -
- http-server-address = (& for wallet-url set http-server-address= in keosd
) - genesis-json = /mnt/e/eos/tutorials/bios-boot-tutorial/genesis.json
- enable-stale-production = true (set it to true)
- plugins: add all
- http-server-address = (& for wallet-url set http-server-address= in keosd
- edit using
start block auto-production in a terminal using
$ nodeos --delete-all-blocks -e -p eosio --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin --contracts-console
has been added in order to show the output on the console both on nodeos terminal & cleos terminal. -
If any error, follow these steps:
cd /home/abhijit/.local/share/eosio/nodeos/
rm -rf data
(delete the data folder)$ nodeos --delete-all-blocks -e -p eosio --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin
- If any error still persists, repeat these 3 procedures (deleting the data & start again).
Check if working correctly,
cleos get info
cleos get account eosio
cleos get account eosio -j
in JSON format.
Load the bios contract
cleos set contract eosio ../eosio.bios -p eosio@active
Create accounts
Ensure the wallet is unlocked.
cleos create account eosio user1 [user1's Owner public key] [user1's Active public key]
Push contract
cleos set contract user1 .../hello -p user1@active
Push action
cleos push action hi '["abhijit"]' user1@active
Follow these steps:
Join the testnet -
Create account -
Create the keys from
on the bash-cmd usingcleos create key --to-console
(saving keys onto a file is not required for testnet) -
All the keys are saved in a file into a local directory.
alias cleos='cleos -u'
Now, you can use cleos and easy going while adding other commandsNOTE: valid for that session only. When closed, it will have to be recreated.
To check if cleos is connected with a testnet node -
$ cleos get info
Create an account on the testnet for uploading a contract. Use step no. 2
Now, import the account into a wallet (say default) using
$ cleos wallet import
-->private key: imported private key for: EOS5SKc12RwksCWkK9e2rzNJkQfZ27BGxTFdm5v8fDrLvkrawaJK9
Hence, the wallet is unlocked.
Go to the contract directory
$ cd /mnt/f/contracts/hello
2 Methods to create .wast & .wasm files and set contract into the account using -
$ eosiocpp -o hello.wast hello.cpp $ eosiocpp -g hello.abi hello.cpp $ cleos set contract abhitest1234 ../hello -p abhitest1234@active (ensure that the wallet is unlocked for this step)
(follow this how to create one)
Now, push a action
(say) in this contract -cleos push action abhitest1234 hi '["abhijit"]' -p abhitest1234@active
The wallet-url is the same as http-server-address i.e. set in the "/home/abhijit/eosio-wallet/config.ini" file. Also time-out (the wallet remains unlocked without any activity) is 900 sec i.e. 15 mins.
NOTE: If (without any wallet name):
this means that it is a default
- Create wallet locally using
cleos wallet create -n test1 --to-console
(display the keys on the terminal)cleos wallet create -n test1 --file test1.txt
(display the keys on the terminal)
- List all wallets using
cleos wallet list
- Lock wallet
- All wallets using
cleos wallet lock_all
- Lock a particular wallet using
cleos wallet lock -n test1
- All wallets using
- Import an account (already created) into a wallet -
(say) using$ cleos wallet import
-->private key: imported private key for: EOS5SKc12RwksCWkK9e2rzNJkQfZ27BGxTFdm5v8fDrLvkrawaJK9
Like greymass wallet, where the private key is protected using a password.
Follow these steps:
- Sublime Text: as Editor
- eoscc: as Compiler
- Testnet or Mainnet: choose accordingly,
alias cleos='cleos -u'
&alias cleos='cleos -u'
respectively define in~/.profile
beforehand. - [OPTIONAL] Ensure the wallet is unlocked. If not, use this -
cleos wallet unlock
with password to unlock the default wallet. - eoscd: as Deploy
$ cd ~
$ mkdir scripts
$ cd scripts
$ nano
- copy and paste the content below:
#!/bin/bash if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then echo "USAGE: <CONTRACT_NAME> from within the directory" exit 1 fi CONTRACT=$1 eosiocpp -o ${CONTRACT}.wast ${CONTRACT}.cpp && eosiocpp -g ${CONTRACT}.abi ${CONTRACT}.cpp
$ chmod +x
(making a file executable, chmod- change mode)- Now, open
file usingnano ~/.profile
from any directory in terminal. - Add
export PATH=$PATH:~/scripts
to the end of your~/.profile
file - Add symbolic link using
sudo ln -s ~/scripts/ /usr/local/bin/eoscc
- DONE! Now, access
from any directory in the terminal.
$ cd ~
$ mkdir scripts
$ cd scripts
$ nano
- copy and paste the content below:
#!/bin/bash if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then echo "USAGE: <ACCOUNT_NAME> <CONTRACT_NAME> from within the directory" exit 1 fi ACCOUNT=$1 CONTRACT=$2 cleos set contract ${ACCOUNT} ../${CONTRACT}
$ chmod +x
(making a file executable, chmod- change mode)- [NOT Required, if done before] Now, open
file usingnano ~/.profile
from any directory in terminal. - [NOT Required, if done before] Add
export PATH=$PATH:~/scripts
to the end of your~/.profile
file. - Add symbolic link using
sudo ln -s ~/scripts/ /usr/local/bin/eoscd
- DONE! Now, access
from any directory in the terminal.