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Release 2.0.5

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@chaudhuri chaudhuri released this 28 Dec 14:11
· 211 commits to master since this release

Changes in 2.0.5 from 2.0.4


  • Added support for (first-order) polymorphic definitions. Definitions
    such as the following are now accepted.

      Define fresh : A -> B -> prop by
        nabla x, fresh x M.

    In every use of the definition, the type arguments are implicitly
    instantiated. The type-checking for such definitions is identical to
    taking all the unbound variable names and quantifying them on the outside.
    In other words, for the above definition, the behavior of type-checking is
    the same as if there were:

      Kind A,B  type
      Define fresh : A -> B -> prop by
        nabla x, fresh x M.

    Once such a definition is type-checked, the defined symbols are added to
    the signature as new polymorphic constants, in a vein similar to the pi
    constant. Whenever it is used, the type arguments are implicitly
    instantiated based on the types of the arguments.

  • Added support for (first-order) polymorphic theorems. A theorem such as
    the following is now accepted.

      Theorem prune[A] : forall E L, nabla (x:A), member (E x) L ->
         exists F, E = x\ F.

    The A here is a type parameter, which must be distinct from the other
    basic types in scope. To use such a theorem, you must supply enough
    arguments. An example:

      Theorem bar : forall E G, nabla (x:tm) (y:ty),
         member (E x y) G -> exists F, E = x\ y\ F.
      apply prune[tm] to H1.
      apply prune[ty] to H1.

Tweaks to existing functionality

  • The syntax for quantifiers now allows for multiple bound variables of the
    same type. Example:

      /* Type p i -> i -> prop. */
      forall (x y : i) (f g : i -> i), p (f (g y)) (g (f x))
  • The apply tactic now takes an optional numerical argument that defines
    the search depth for automatic searches performed for omitted arguments. A
    bound of 0 means that no searches are attempted.

  • The abbrev and unabbrev tactics now both take a list of hypotheses to
    (un)abbreviate. The display of abbreviations has also been compressed.

  • Error messages in interactive mode are printed to stderr in addition to any
    other output file specified with -o.

  • The monotone tactic now accepts hypothesis naming hints. (#91)


  • Query was broken since 2.0.4-beta2.
    (#69; reported by Ahn Ki Yung)
  • Backchain now correctly takes into account inductive restrictions
    (#70; reported by Ahn Ki Yung)
  • Search now correctly raises eigenvariables over support
    (#71; reported by Morten Rhiger)
  • Undo/ProofGeneral now handles abbrev and unabbrev correctly.
  • Do not normalize object sequents except when they occur shallowly
    among the assumptions or goal. Deep normalization is unsound.
    (Reported by Dale Miller)
  • The apply tactic was invalidly raising guessed instances over
    nominal constants that already occur in the body of the lemma.
    (#96; reported by Ahn Ki Yung and Alwen Tiu)