A Clojure library for redis (current version 0.1.1)
Simply add Accession to your leiningen project file:
[accession "0.1.1"]
That's ok. If you are using Clojure 1.2.1 or higher you shouldn't have any issues. You can tell leiningen not to pull 1.4.0-alpha2 into your project using the :exclusions
[accession "0.1.1" :exclusions [org.clojure/clojure]]
Accession is used just like you would use redis from the command line. All available redis commands will be implemented. For a list of currently implemented commands see core.clj. The example below demonstrates standard usage:
;; Make sure to alias accession.core since several clojure.core
;; functions are replaced
(require '[accession.core :as redis])
;; Create a connection map
(def c (redis/connection-map {}))
;; Use the connection to run commands against redis
(redis/with-connection c (redis/set "foo" "some value"))
-> "OK"
(redis/with-connection c (redis/get "foo"))
-> "some value"
;; When you run multiple queries, accession will assume
;; pipelining. This behavior is subject to change.
(redis/with-connection c
(redis/rpush "children" "A")
(redis/rpush "children" "B")
(redis/rpush "children" "C"))
-> (1 2 3)
;; You can use the Redis pub/sub features
(def channel (redis/subscribe c {"bar" (fn [x] (prn x))}))
-> ("subscribe" "bar" 1)
;; and afterwards add more consumers to the channel
(redis/subscribe channel {"baz" #(prn %)})
-> ("subscribe" "baz" 2)
;; You can send messages like so
(redis/with-connection c (redis/publish "bar" "Hello bar")
(redis/publish "baz" "Hello baz"))
-> ("message" "bar" "Hello bar")
("message" "baz" "Hello baz")
;; Again, this API is subject to change.
This library is targeted at Redis 2.0+. If you are using an older version of Redis or are using a version of Clojure earlier than 1.3.0, you may have better luck with redis-clojure.
Marginalia generated documentation can be found at abedra.github.com/accession.
Copyright (C) 2011 Aaron Bedra
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure. For further details, visit the license file