Multiple conda environments involved to use all these tools together.
- Starting from raw Fastq files
- Trimming task using cutadapt
- Alignment task using STAR
- Check raw data quality using MultiQC
- Using RADAR package
- It only works for peak-calling and differential methylation analysis at once (samples at two conditions)
- (it has multiprocessing option then it works faster)
- Gene level methylation enrichment and pathway analysis using iPAGE If study design has no differential analysis:
- Using exomePeak package
- It also works with samples which are only at one condition
- Draw metagene plots using Guitar package
- Motif analysis to check DRACH & RGAC motif presentation using FIRE algorithm
- Draw histogram using ggplot2 package (easy!)
- Using wilcox-test and t-test to confirm global hyper or hypo methylation among significant peaks
- Select hyper/hypo gene sets (genes with logFC above/under a threshold) using awk command (easy!)
- Evaluate enrichment within other high-throughput datasets using a module from TIESER algorithm
- It works through Mutual Information (MI) evaluation same as FIRE and iPAGE