I am a clinical data scientist and educator. As a data scientist, I apply methods including natural language processing and machine learning to support clinical research and improve patient care. As an educator, my goal is to introduce students of diverse backgrounds to Informatics and empower them to learn and apply core data science skills.
- VA_COVID-19_NLP_BSV: An NLP pipeline for detecting positive cases of COVID-19. Implemented in spaCy and deployed as part of the Veterans Affairs response to COVID-19
- medSpaCy: A library for performing clinical NLP tasks in spaCy, including implementations of the ConText algorithm and clinical note section detection
I work as an adjunct professor at Utah Valley University, where I teach INFO-3700: Foundations of Healthcare Informatics. I've also taught at various summer schools and online workshops. Whenever possible, I try to make my materials available publicly. Here are some links to online courses or tutorials which I've contributed to.
- Foundations of Healthcare Informatics, Fall 2020: Materials include analyzing clinical data with MIMIC, training a machine learning classifier to predict diabetes, and using NLP to extract information from clinical text
- MIMIC34MD: A crash course in clinical data science at the University of Melbourne