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Legion Go Remapper - Decky Plugin

Decky Plugin that replicates some of the Legion Space remapping functionality.

color-picker image

fan-control image

remap buttons image


This plugin uses the Lenovo-built remapping + bios functionality that's used for Legion Space, which means that this plugin can only do what Legion Space is capable of

This remapping plugin also only covers remapping for the X-input mode of the controller, it does NOT support FPS mode or D-input modes.

Included Functionality in this plugin:

  • Manage RBG lights, including modes, brightness, cycle speed for certain modes, and RGB light color
  • Back Button Remapping for Y1, Y2, Y3, M2, M3 (M1 is not supported)
  • Enabling/Disabling the touchpad
  • Gyro remapping to Left or Right Control Stick
  • allow any of these settings on a per-game basis
  • (requires acpi_call) 80% charge limit toggle and custom fan curves

Install Instructions


Decky Loader must already be installed.

Quick Install / Update

Run the following in terminal, then reboot. Note that this works both for installing or updating the plugin

curl -L | sh

Manual Install

add Udev rules to your device.

Create a file at /etc/udev/rules.d/90-legion-go-remapper.rules, and add the following to the file:

# allow r/w access by all local/physical sessions (seats)
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="17ef", TAG+="uaccess"

# allow r/w access by users of the plugdev group
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="17ef", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0660"

# allow r/w access by all users
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="17ef", MODE="0666"

After saving the file, then run sudo udevadm control --reload in terminal.

Download the latest release from the releases page

Unzip the tar.gz file, and move the LegionGoRemapper folder to your $HOME/homebrew/plugins directory

then run:

sudo systemctl restart plugin_loader.service

then reboot your machine.

Manual Build

  • Node.js v16.14+ and pnpm installed
git clone

cd LegionGoRemapper

# if pnpm not already installed
npm install -g pnpm

pnpm install
pnpm update decky-frontend-lib --latest
pnpm run build

Afterwards, you can place the entire LegionGoRemapper folder in the ~/homebrew/plugins directly, then restart your plugin service

sudo systemctl restart plugin_loader.service

sudo systemctl reboot

Experimental Features

Custom Fan Curves

WARNING: If you don't properly cool your device, it can go into thermal shutdown! Make sure you set proper fan curves to keep your device cool!

Note that this is using the fan curve implementation in the Legion Go's bios. This may require additional bios update from Lenovo to become fully functional.

This method must be manually enabled. Once enabled, will use Lenovo's bios WMI functions to set fan curves. Requires Bios v28 or newer.

Note that this requires the acpi_call module, if your Linux distro doesn't have it pre-installed, it'll have to be manually installed.

Special thanks to corando98 for investigating fan curves + writing the functions for to control it.

run sudo modprobe acpi_call in terminal, if this errors out, you need to install acpi_call

Troubleshooting / Frequently Asked Questions

LED management seems to work temporarily

If you are using HHD for your controller, it has it's own LED management that overwrites this plugin.

Disable the LED management in HHD if you want to use LEDs via LegionGoRemapper instead.

Can I turn off the power LED while the device is asleep?

Unfortunately, unless Lenovo enables configuring the sleep behavior of the LED via a bios update, this is not possible.

Can I set RGB LEDs separately between the Left and Right LEDs?

Due to a controller firmware update, Lenovo disabled the ability to set the LEDs separately.

If you are on the latest firmware, the plugin will update both LEDs.

The Plugin isn't working

First try reinstalling or updating the plugin to the latest version, there's an update button at the bottom of the plugin. You can also re-run the installer to update:

curl -L | sh

If this doesn't fix your issue, next try deleting your $HOME/homebrew/settings/LegionGoRemapper/settings.json file, and rebooting.

If neither works, please create a github issue.


Special thanks to antheas for reverse engineering and documenting the HID protocols for the Legion Go Controllers, etc.

Also special thanks to corando98 for writing + testing the backend functions for talking to the HID devices, investigating fan curves, as well as contributing to the RGB light management code on the frontend.

Icon and controller button SVG files generated from PromptFont using FontForge.

PromptFont by Yukari "Shinmera" Hafner, available at