This script uses Digital Ocean's DOCTL command line interface to connect to a specific Droplet to take a snapshot. The script shuts the droplet down beforehand to prevent data corruption as recommended by Digital Ocean. Once complete, the droplet is returned to a powered on state. Once booted, it will retain a specified number of snapshots (excluding backups) associated with the Droplet's ID as indicated in the configuration file.
Learn about how I can came up with this idea:
- 'sendmail' SMTP configured to send email notifications
git clone
Add the following information to your do_droplet.config file
# Enter the number of snapshots to keep
#Have a notification send to an email
[email protected]
#Append an additional note at end of snapshot name. Currently, it's set to "_cron_snapshot"
is your Droplet's ID. If you do not know your Droplet's ID, log into your Digital Ocean account , click on the droplet, and the URL of your droplet will contain your Droplet's ID after the /droplets/ directory, like so:**XXXXXXXXX**/graphs?i=78109b&period=hour
is the amount of snapshots you'd like to keep.
sudo bash auto_snapshot.bash
-r - Cancel any retention. No snapshots will be deleted.
`sudo bash auto_snapshot.bash -r `
-p - Prevent the script from powering the droplet off.
`sudo bash auto_snapshot.bash -p`
Combining flags:
`sudo bash auto_snapshot.bash -p -r`
Consider adding this script to your crontab. Below is an example to run this script every Wednesday at 1 AM
0 1 * * 3 /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/auto_snapshot.bash -r
As of 12/16/2019, Digital Ocean charges $0.05/GB per month. Contributors to this script are not liable for costs associated with running or maintaining a Digital Ocean account.
Have the option to only delete snapshots within the $DROPLETID. Currently, this script will delete any image within the user's account(COMPLETED)- Find an elegant solution to allow for multiple droplets to be used separately.
- Optionally create a screenshot of a website to show that the server/site is live after the script completed.
- Corrected retention issue
- Added -p flag to cancel power-off
- Added functions where necessary for brevity
- Added -r flag to cancel retention
- Added test for droplet to be live based on IP before proceeding
- Improved email notification -- Including snapshot name created -- Including snapshot names deleted
- Changed log directory to /var/log/doctl-auto-snapshot
- Changed log filename format
- Removed dropletname variable from dodroplet.config in favor of using droplet's real name
- Added snapshot name display for command line use
- Improved config file sourcing
- Improved snapshot listing to exclude backups from retention
- Removed sudo execution requirement until further testing completed
- Ability to delete snapshots associated with the specific Droplet ID up to the amount assigned in the RETAIN variable assigned in dodroplet.config
- Require sudo execution
- Changed the user to $USER