Replication codes for "The increasing association between child poverty and children in out-of-home care - an ecological longitudinal analysis of Finnish municipalities in the period 1992-2021"
This is the replication package for the paper titled "The increasing association between child poverty and children in out-of-home care - an ecological longitudinal analysis of Finnish municipalities in the period 1992-2021".
The data for this paper is derived from the Sotkanet database. In addition, the replication package includes additional data, provided by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. This additional data consist of municipalities with no children placed outside their home (in sotkanet data municipalities with 0-5 children placed in OHC are marked missing).
The sotkanet data is derived using the sotkanet package by Lahti et al.
Note that quarto client and package are needed.
Leo Lahti, Einari Happonen, Juuso Parkkinen, Joona Lehtomaki, Vesa Saaristo and Pyry Kantanen (rOpenGov 2022). sotkanet: Sotkanet Open Data Access and Analysis. R package version 0.9.77. URL: