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About Android Fonts

Alberto Martínez edited this page Aug 20, 2018 · 1 revision

Android does not offer functions to enumerate the pre-installed fonts and the official names are aliased to real font names, so the information provided by the rnTextSize fontFamilyNames function is hardcoded and limited to a subset of fonts that you will (probably) find already installed.

For example, in devices with API 21 or above, the system fonts are:

Generic Name Font File (.ttf) Weight Italic
sans-serif-thin Roboto-Regular (aliased)
100 yes
sans-serif-light Roboto-Light
300 yes
sans-serif Roboto-Regular
400 yes
700* yes
sans-serif-medium Roboto-Medium
500 yes
sans-serif-black Roboto-Black
900 yes
sans-serif-condensed-light RobotoCondensed-Light
300 yes
sans-serif-condensed RobotoCondensed-Regular
400 yes
700* yes
sans-serif-smallcaps CarroisGothicSC-Regular 400 --
serif NotoSerif-Regular
400 yes
700* yes
monospace DroidSansMono 400 --
serif-monospace CutiveMono 400 --
casual ComingSoon 400 --
cursive DancingScript-Regular 400 --
  DancingScript-Bold 700* --

* There is not *-bold generic names of this fonts, to obtain the weight 700 of them, you must use fontWeight: 'bold'.

Up to SDK 27, Android did not support setting different weights other than 'normal' and 'bold' by code. RN 0.57, the last version released on this date, does not support it either and converts weights '500'-'900' to 'bold'.

So, for example, if you want "Roboto Medium Italic" (weight 500), you have only two choices:

// recommended
  fontFamily: 'sans-serif-medium',
  fontStyle: 'italic'
// by filename ...looks more like an iOS font face :)
  fontFamily: 'Roboto-MediumItalic'

But for "Roboto Bold Italic", you can use any of this forms:

// recommended
  fontWeight: 'bold',
  fontStyle: 'italic'
// generic name, specific weight & style
  fontFamily: 'sans-serif',
  fontWeight: 'bold',
  fontStyle: 'italic'
// by filename, with embedded weight & style
  fontFamily: 'Roboto-BoldItalic'

Also, be careful not to overwrite the desired weight with fontWeight, as here:

  fontFamily: 'sans-serif-medium',
  fontStyle: 'bold'     // bye bye weight 500

Some of the predefined, alternative names:

  • sans-serif: arial, helvetica, tahoma, verdana.
  • serif: times, times new roman, palatino, georgia, baskerville, goudy, fantasy, ITC Stone Serif
  • monospace: sans-serif-monospace, monaco
  • serif-monospace: courier, courier new

If you are curious, se the fonts.xml or system_fonts.xml file in the ~/Android/Sdk/platforms/android-[sdk-num]/data/fonts directory.

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