Yeah, life is not that simple, so you may know me with one of my last names Jard or Henry, don't worry, I'm still the same person.
Pronoun: She/Her
My motivation: Coding for a better World 💖 !
Developer since 2006
Jenkins contributor 2019 - 2022
OpenCTI contributor 2023 - now
I am involved in many way to bring more women to code, so I try to participate to projects and I am involved in several associations.
- Leader at Yeeso association "IT future is with Women" , mainly contributing to the "Women role model" squad.
- Leader and community manager of Duchess France (Women in IT association) 🇫🇷
- Writing some blog post and interview
- Main contributor of Duchess France website
- Member of MixTeen (Code for kids) 🇫🇷
- Organizer of hackthoberfest with Jenkins for Duchess 2021:
- Technical support (ask me anything) for SheCodeAfrica hackathon on Jenkins
- 2021
- 2022: just started ;-)
- 2023: Cloud alpes / Where are women in tech ? Panelist - (🇫🇷)
- 2023: Kubernetes Community Days Paris / DevOps panel (🇫🇷)
- 2021: Kick off of Hackthoberfest event at Duchess (🇫🇷)