Setup Prerequisites and Launch Instructions:
- NodeJS must be installed
- Place a 'credentials.txt' file in the root of the project (next to this README), this should contain your Mariadb username and password on two separate lines
- Start up ssh tunnel to wiebe on port 3306. A command you could run might look like:
ssh <username> -L3306:localhost:3306
This needs to be running in the background for this project to work! - Navigate to 'Echidna' folder and type
npm install
(this only needs to happen once but is harmless if run multiple times) - When ready to start the project, type
npm start
- Open browser and navigate to localhost:3000
Things to notice:
- Notice how easy and streamlined this project is!
- We worked hard on 'dynamic' effects for some pages. For example, selecting an offering from the drop down on the 4th page (assign instructors to offerings) shows what instructor(s) are assigned to that offering. These dynamic actions are spread throughout the project.
- The time warp buttons are nice and streamlined, in one request to our server (and then to mariadb) the warp happens. A nice success message should show up upon successful warp.
- The course clusters designation page is made to be readable and easy to use. Selecting clusters consists of selecting the corresponding checkboxes and pressing the Create cluster button. Then, the new cluster will be added to the Current clusters table.
- We tried to do good front end validation before sending queries to the database. This allows for more friendly messages rather than harse database errors (some errors may have slipped through :) ).