DiffValue is a property observation tool that utilizes automatic diffing on properties through Combine and Property Wrappers.
DiffValue is available via Carthage, just add to your Cartfile like so:
# Property obsersation
github "ZkHaider/DiffValue" "master"
$ carthage update DiffValue
It's easy to observe only properties you are interested in, you can do so like this:
struct UserState {
let userName: String
let email: String
let password: String
extension UserState: EquatableWithIdentity {
/// Default value
static var identity: UserState {
userName: "",
email: String,
password: String
final class ViewController: UIViewController {
// MARK: - State
@Diff(\.userName, \.email)
var userState; UserState
// MARK: - Lifecycle
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Start listening to state changes
// This is only called when your specified key paths are updated
let subscription = $userState.sink { state in
print("Listening to state changes: \(state)")
That's it! Use KeyPath
to specify which properties you are interested in. You can optionally choose to conform to EquatableWithIdentity
, however any value that you want to be utilized by @Diff
needs to be Equatable
. If you opt out of EquatableWithIdentity
you will have to pass a default value in the property wrapper:
struct UserState {
let userName: String
let email: String
let password: String
final class ViewController: UIViewController {
// MARK: - State
value: UserState(userName: "", email: "", password: ""),
var userState; UserState
// MARK: - Lifecycle
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Start listening to state changes
// This is only called when your specified key paths are updated
let subscription = $userState.sink { state in
print("Listening to state changes: \(state)")
If no KeyPath<Root, Value>
are passed into the @Diff
wrapper it will just do an equality check like normal based on Equatable
struct UserState {
let userName: String
let email: String
let password: String
final class ViewController: UIViewController {
// MARK: - State
var userState; UserState
// MARK: - Lifecycle
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Start listening to state changes
// This is only called when your specified key paths are updated
// Invoked via equatable if we detect any changes because
// we did not pass in any keypaths
let subscription = $userState.sink { state in
print("Listening to state changes: \(state)")
supports passing up to 10 KeyPath<Root, Value>
parameters in the initializer, if you require more you will have to pass an array of DiffableKeyPath<Root>
types like:
struct MyVeryLargeState {
let property1: String
let property2: String
let property3: String
let property4: String
let property5: String
let property6: String
let property7: String
let property8: String
let property9: String
let property10: String
let property11: String
let property12: String
extension MyVeryLargeState: EquatableWithIdentity {
/// Default value
static var identity: MyVeryLargeState {
property1: "",
property2: "",
property3: "",
property4: "",
property5: "",
property6: "",
property7: "",
property8: "",
property9: "",
property10: "",
property11: "",
property12: ""
final class ViewController: UIViewController {
// MARK: - State
var largeState; MyVeryLargeState
// MARK: - Lifecycle
override func viewDidLoad() {
Chances are if the State
encapsulates a large set of properties it probably needs to be divided up -- always keep your State
lightweight! However this library does support as many KeyPath<Root, Value>
s as you wish to diff on!
A @Diff
property wrapper exposes a CurrentValueRelay<Root, Never>
. This is a Publisher
with a private CurrentValueSubject<Root, Never>
field. This is hidden so you cannot pass a completion
event to the Relay
. Use the Relay
to subscribe your State
to other Subscribers
You can also observe single properties directly without having to observe entire value changes:
struct State {
let stringProperty: String
let intProperty: Int
final class ExampleClass {
var state: State
final class TestClass {
let exampleClass: ExampleClass = ExampleClass()
init() {
target: self,
hook: .method(TestClass.observeString)
private func observeString(_ stringValue: String) {
print("π Property Changed: \(stringValue)")
Here is fully fledged example:
struct State {
let stringProperty: String
let intProperty: Int
final class ExampleClass {
@Diff(\.stringProperty, \.intProperty)
var state1: State
var state2: State
var state3: State
var modifiedState = State(stringProperty: "", intProperty: 0)
/// Setup subscriptions
// State 1
let relay1 = exampleClass.$state1
let replay1 = relay1
replay1.sink { (state) in
}.store(in: &subscriptions)
replay1.sink { (state) in
}.store(in: &subscriptions)
// State 2
let relay2 = exampleClass.$state2
let replay2 = relay2
replay2.sink { (state) in
}.store(in: &subscriptions)
replay2.sink { (state) in
}.store(in: &subscriptions)
// State 3
let relay3 = exampleClass.$state3
let replay3 = relay3
replay3.sink { (state) in
}.store(in: &subscriptions)
replay3.sink { (state) in
}.store(in: &subscriptions)
All Initial Sink Values should be established β
Beginning State 1 Modifications
State 1 Modifications
// No modification nothing should print
exampleClass.state1 = modifiedState
print("Nothing should have printed π")
// Modify state only change string property and set to state 1
modifiedState = State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 0)
exampleClass.state1 = modifiedState
// Should print a change now for state 1
// Modify state only change int property and set to state 1
modifiedState = State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 10)
exampleClass.state1 = modifiedState
// Should print a change now for state 1
State 2 Modifications
Beginning State 2 Modifications
// Modify state only change string property and set to state 2
modifiedState = State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 0)
exampleClass.state2 = modifiedState
// Nothing should print because we are not diffing on string property
print("Nothing should have printed π")
// Modify state and this time change int property and set to state 2
modifiedState = State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 10)
exampleClass.state2 = modifiedState
// Should print a change now for state 2
State 3 Modifications
Beginning State 3 Modifications
// Modify state only change int property and set to state 3
modifiedState = State(stringProperty: "", intProperty: 10)
exampleClass.state3 = modifiedState
// Nothing should print because we are not diffing on int property
print("Nothing should have printed π")
// Modify state only change int property and set to state 3
modifiedState = State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 10)
exampleClass.state3 = modifiedState
// Should print a change now for state 3
Print Output:
DiffStateReplay1: receive subscription: (CurrentValueSubject)
DiffStateReplay1: request unlimited
DiffStateReplay1: receive value: (State(stringProperty: "", intProperty: 0))
DiffStateReplay2: receive subscription: (CurrentValueSubject)
DiffStateReplay2: request unlimited
DiffStateReplay2: receive value: (State(stringProperty: "", intProperty: 0))
DiffStateReplay3: receive subscription: (CurrentValueSubject)
DiffStateReplay3: request unlimited
DiffStateReplay3: receive value: (State(stringProperty: "", intProperty: 0))
All Initial Sink Values should be established β
Beginning State 1 Modifications
Nothing should have printed π
DiffStateReplay1: receive value: (State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 0))
DiffStateReplay1: receive value: (State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 10))
Beginning State 2 Modifications
Nothing should have printed π
DiffStateReplay2: receive value: (State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 10))
Beginning State 3 Modifications
Nothing should have printed π
DiffStateReplay3: receive value: (State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 10))
If you like the library please star it π