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No-code LLM Platform to launch APIs and ETL Pipelines to structure unstructured documents

Unstract SDK

The unstract-sdk package helps with developing tools that are meant to be run on the Unstract platform. This includes modules to help with tool development and execution, caching, making calls to LLMs / vectorDBs / embeddings .etc. They also contain helper methods/classes to aid with other tasks such as indexing and auditing the LLM calls.


  • The below libraries need to be installed to run the SDK
    • Linux

      sudo apt install build-essential pkg-config libmagic-dev
    • Mac

      brew install pkg-config libmagic pandoc tesseract-ocr


Create a scaffolding for a new tool


unstract-tool-gen --command NEW --tool-name <name of tool> \
 --location ~/path_to_repository/unstract-tools/ --overwrite false

Supported commands:

  • NEW - Create a new tool

Environment variables required for all Tools

Variable Description
PLATFORM_SERVICE_HOST The host in which the platform service is running
PLATFORM_SERVICE_PORT The port in which the service is listening
PLATFORM_SERVICE_API_KEY The API key for the platform
TOOL_DATA_DIR The directory in the filesystem which has contents for tool execution

Llama Index support

Unstract SDK 0.3.2 uses the following version of Llama Index Version 0.9.28 as on January 14th, 2024

Developing with the SDK

Ensure that you have all the required dependencies and pre-commit hooks installed

pdm install
pre-commit install

Once the changes have been made, it can be tested with Unstract through the following means.

With PDM

Specify the SDK as a dependency to a project using a tool like pdm by adding the following to your pyproject.toml

local_copies = [
    "-e unstract-adapters @ file:///${UNSTRACT_ADAPTERS_PATH}",
    "-e unstract-sdk @ file:///${UNSTRACT_SDK_PATH}",

Or by running the below command

pdm add -e /path/to/unstract-sdk --dev

With pip

  • If the project is using pip it might be possible to add it as a dependency in requirements.txt
-e /path/to/unstract-sdk

NOTE: Building locally might require the below section to be replaced in the unstract-sdk's build system configuration

requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
  • Another option is to provide a git URL in requirements.txt, this can come in handy while building tool docker images. Don't forget to run apt install git within the Dockerfile for this
unstract-sdk @ git+
  • Or try installing a local PyPI server and upload / download your package from this server

Additonal dependencies for tool

Tools may need to be backed up by a file storage. unstract.sdk.file_storage contains the required interfaces for the same. fssepc is being used underneath to implement these interfaces. Hence, one can choose to use a file_system supported by fsspec for this. However, the required dependencies need to be added in the tool dependency manager. Eg. If the tool is using Minio as the underlying file storage, then s3fs can be added to support it. Similarly, for Google Cloud Storage, gcsfs is to be added. The following versions are tested in the SDK using unit test cases for the above package. gcsfs==2024.10.0 s3fs==2024.10.0

Documentation generation

Follow this for generating documentation.