This is the pytorch version of the A2C + SIL - which is basiclly the same as the openai baselines. The paper could be found Here.
- Add PPO with SIL
- Add more results
- python-3.5.2
- openai-baselines
- pytorch-0.4.0
Install OpenAI Baselines (Need to use the previous version of openai-baselines, will solve in the future.)
# clone the openai baselines
git clone
cd baselines
git checkout 366f486
pip install -e .
Train the network:
python --env-name 'PongNoFrameskip-v4' --cuda (if you have the GPU)
Test the network:
python --env-name 'PongNoFrameskip-v4'
You could also try the A2C algorithm without SIL by adding flag --no-sil
python --env-name 'PongNoFrameskip-v4' --cuda --no-sil
Because of time, I just run Pong with 2 million steps. The results of MontezumaRevenge will be uploaded later!
Another results for the Freeway which is correspond with the original paper.