Apply the KNN (K Nearest Neighbors) algorithms on the iris classification problem
You can use the built-in iris dataset( for training while for testing). Or you can feel free to use any iris classification datasets which you can found online. They are all pretty similar. If you want to use your own dataset, you may need some littie modify on the data loader part.
# First, clone this repository
git clone
# Then enter the knn folder and run the
cd knn
If everything OK, you should get an output on your terminal like this
Distribution: [x1, y1, z1]
Predict: Iris-setosa TEST_LABEL: Iris-verginica
Distribution: [x2, y2, z2]
Predict: balabala TEST_LABEL: balabala
Distribution: [x3, y3, z3]
Predict: balabala TEST_LABEL: balabala
k:1 Accuracy: 0.667
k:2 Accuracy: 0.833
k:140: Accuracy: 0.333
After terminal ouput ending, the program will show a figure on your screen, which the x-axis is k
and the y-axis is Accuracy
It shows how the accuracy of KNN change with the increase of parameter k.
Please look at the wiki.
If you have any problems ot advices, please feel free to open an issue.