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JeanLucPons committed May 14, 2020
1 parent 0abdabb commit 5c841aa
Showing 1 changed file with 107 additions and 0 deletions.
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions WindowsErrors.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@

// WSA Error string
typedef struct {
int errCode;
char *mesg;

#define NBWSAERRORS 95

{ /*WSA_INVALID_HANDLE*/6,"Specified event object handle is invalid" },
{ /*WSA_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY*/8,"Insufficient memory available" },
{ /*WSA_INVALID_PARAMETER*/87,"One or more parameters are invalid" },
{ /*WSA_OPERATION_ABORTED*/995,"Overlapped operation aborted" },
{ /*WSA_IO_INCOMPLETE*/996,"Overlapped I / O event object not in signaled state" },
{ /*WSA_IO_PENDING*/997,"Overlapped operations will complete later" },
{ WSAEINTR,"Interrupted function call" },
{ WSAEBADF,"File handle is not valid" },
{ WSAEACCES,"Permission denied" },
{ WSAEFAULT,"Bad address" },
{ WSAEINVAL,"Invalid argument" },
{ WSAEMFILE,"Too many open files" },
{ WSAEWOULDBLOCK,"Resource temporarily unavailable" },
{ WSAEINPROGRESS,"Operation now in progress" },
{ WSAEALREADY,"Operation already in progress" },
{ WSAENOTSOCK,"Socket operation on nonsocket" },
{ WSAEDESTADDRREQ,"Destination address required" },
{ WSAEMSGSIZE,"Message too long" },
{ WSAEPROTOTYPE,"Protocol wrong type for socket" },
{ WSAENOPROTOOPT,"Bad protocol option" },
{ WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT,"Protocol not supported" },
{ WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT,"Socket type not supported" },
{ WSAEOPNOTSUPP,"Operation not supported" },
{ WSAEPFNOSUPPORT,"Protocol family not supported" },
{ WSAEAFNOSUPPORT,"Address family not supported by protocol family" },
{ WSAEADDRINUSE,"Address already in use" },
{ WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL,"Cannot assign requested address" },
{ WSAENETDOWN,"Network is down" },
{ WSAENETUNREACH,"Network is unreachable" },
{ WSAENETRESET,"Network dropped connection on reset" },
{ WSAECONNABORTED,"Software caused connection abort" },
{ WSAECONNRESET,"Connection reset by peer" },
{ WSAENOBUFS,"No buffer space available" },
{ WSAEISCONN,"Socket is already connected" },
{ WSAENOTCONN,"Socket is not connected" },
{ WSAESHUTDOWN,"Cannot send after socket shutdown" },
{ WSAETOOMANYREFS,"Too many references" },
{ WSAETIMEDOUT,"Connection timed out" },
{ WSAECONNREFUSED,"Connection refused" },
{ WSAELOOP,"Cannot translate name" },
{ WSAENAMETOOLONG,"Name too long" },
{ WSAEHOSTDOWN,"Host is down" },
{ WSAEHOSTUNREACH,"No route to host" },
{ WSAENOTEMPTY,"Directory not empty" },
{ WSAEPROCLIM,"Too many processes" },
{ WSAEUSERS,"User quota exceeded" },
{ WSAEDQUOT,"Disk quota exceeded" },
{ WSAESTALE,"Stale file handle reference" },
{ WSAEREMOTE,"Item is remote" },
{ WSASYSNOTREADY,"Network subsystem is unavailable" },
{ WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED,"Winsock.dll version out of range" },
{ WSANOTINITIALISED,"Successful WSAStartup not yet performed" },
{ WSAEDISCON,"Graceful shutdown in progress" },
{ WSAENOMORE,"No more results" },
{ WSAECANCELLED,"Call has been canceled" },
{ WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE,"Procedure call table is invalid" },
{ WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER,"Service provider is invalid" },
{ WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT,"Service provider failed to initialize" },
{ WSASYSCALLFAILURE,"System call failure" },
{ WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND,"Service not found" },
{ WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND,"Class type not found" },
{ WSA_E_NO_MORE,"No more results" },
{ WSA_E_CANCELLED,"Call was canceled" },
{ WSAEREFUSED,"Database query was refused" },
{ WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND,"Host not found" },
{ WSATRY_AGAIN,"Nonauthoritative host not found" },
{ WSANO_RECOVERY,"This is a nonrecoverable error" },
{ WSANO_DATA,"Valid name,no data record of requested type" },
{ WSA_QOS_RECEIVERS,"QoS receivers" },
{ WSA_QOS_SENDERS,"QoS senders" },
{ WSA_QOS_NO_SENDERS,"No QoS senders" },
{ WSA_QOS_NO_RECEIVERS,"QoS no receivers" },
{ WSA_QOS_REQUEST_CONFIRMED,"QoS request confirmed" },
{ WSA_QOS_ADMISSION_FAILURE,"QoS admission error" },
{ WSA_QOS_POLICY_FAILURE,"QoS policy failure" },
{ WSA_QOS_BAD_STYLE,"QoS bad style" },
{ WSA_QOS_BAD_OBJECT,"QoS bad object" },
{ WSA_QOS_TRAFFIC_CTRL_ERROR,"QoS traffic control error" },
{ WSA_QOS_GENERIC_ERROR,"QoS generic error" },
{ WSA_QOS_ESERVICETYPE,"QoS service type error" },
{ WSA_QOS_EFLOWSPEC,"QoS flowspec error" },
{ WSA_QOS_EPROVSPECBUF,"Invalid QoS provider buffer" },
{ WSA_QOS_EFILTERSTYLE,"Invalid QoS filter style" },
{ WSA_QOS_EFILTERTYPE,"Invalid QoS filter type" },
{ WSA_QOS_EFILTERCOUNT,"Incorrect QoS filter count" },
{ WSA_QOS_EOBJLENGTH,"Invalid QoS object length" },
{ WSA_QOS_EFLOWCOUNT,"Incorrect QoS flow count" },
{ WSA_QOS_EUNKOWNPSOBJ,"Unrecognized QoS object" },
{ WSA_QOS_EPOLICYOBJ,"Invalid QoS policy object" },
{ WSA_QOS_EFLOWDESC,"Invalid QoS flow descriptor" },
{ WSA_QOS_EPSFLOWSPEC,"Invalid QoS provider - specific flowspec" },
{ WSA_QOS_EPSFILTERSPEC,"Invalid QoS provider - specific filterspec" },
{ WSA_QOS_ESDMODEOBJ,"Invalid QoS shape discard mode object" },
{ WSA_QOS_ESHAPERATEOBJ,"Invalid QoS shaping rate object" },
{ WSA_QOS_RESERVED_PETYPE,"Reserved policy QoS element type" }

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