This repository contains some Coq developments for type systems related to linear logic. Some of the developments have been reported on in the following papers:
- Relational Parametricity for Polymorphic Linear Lambda Calculus
- Lightweight linear types in System F^o
- Lolliproc: to Concurrency from Classical Linear Logic via Curry-Howard and Control
- A Linear/Producer/Consumer model of Classical Linear Logic
This repository is quite old and the Coq code hasn't been compiled in quite a while. The bulk of the Coq development took place using Coq v. 8.2 and some of the developments rely on Penn's Metatheory Library. (See 'Dependencies' below.)
The formalism includes:
Proofs about the safety, logical relations, parametricity, contextual equivalence, and applications of PDILL (a term calculus of Polymorphic Dual Intuitionistic Linear Logic), and Linear System F^o (LinF) with additive products type [1],
Proofs about the safety, logical relations, parametricity, and applications of (CBV and CBN) System F.
Some experiments with other formulations of linear type systems.
The code run with Coq 8.2pl1 (July. 2009).
- DIRECTORY : linf Contents
Extra.v general metalib lemmas
LinF_Definitions.v syntax and typings
LinF_Infrastructure.v metalib lemmas for linf
LinF_Lemmas.v supporting lemmas
LinF_Soundness.v preservation and progress
LinF_ExtraLemmas.v additional lemmas
DESCRIPTION : Proofs of the safety of LinF with additive products type
- DIRECTORY : parametricity Contents
ExtraMetalib.v general metalib lemmas
LinF_PreLib.v supporting lemmas of metalib
LinF_Parametricity_Pre.v supporting lemmas of relations
LinF_Parametricity_Interface.v signature of logical relations
LinF_Parametricity_Macro.v macro lemmas
LinF_Parametricity.v parametricity
LinF_Parametricity_App.v applications
LinF_ContextualEq_Def. definitions of contexts
LinF_ContextualEq_Lemmas.v supporting lemmas of contexts
LinF_ContextualEq_Sound.v sound to contextual equivalence
LinF_ContextualEq_Prop.v properties of contextual equivalence
LinF_ContextualEq_Complete.v complete to contextual equivalence
DESCRIPTION : Proofs about the standard parametricity of LinF, which interprets types on closed relations.
- DIRECTORY : parametricity Contents
LinF_Renaming.v lemmas for variables renaming
LinF_OParametricity_Pre.v supporting lemmas of relations
LinF_OParametricity_Interface.v signature of logical relations
LinF_OParametricity_Macro.v macro lemmas
LinF_OParametricity.v parametricity
LinF_OParametricity_App.v applications
LinF_OContextualEq_Lemmas.v supporting lemmas of
LinF_OContextualEq_Sound.v sound to contextual equivalence
DESCRIPTION : Proofs about the novel parametricity of LinF, which interprets types on open relations.
- DIRECTORY : bang Contents
Extra.v general metalib lemmas
Bang_Definitions.v syntax and typings
Bang_Infrastructure.v metalib lemmas for linf
Bang_Lemmas.v supporting lemmas
Bang_Soundness.v preservation and progress
Bang_ExtraLemmas.v additional lemmas
ExtraMetalib.v general metalib lemmas
Bang_PreLib.v supporting lemmas of metalib
Bang_Parametricity_Pre.v supporting lemmas of relations
Bang_Parametricity_Interface.v signature of logical relations
Bang_Parametricity_Macro.v macro lemmas
Bang_Parametricity.v parametricity
Bang_Parametricity_App.v applications
Bang_ContextualEq_Def. definitions of contexts
Bang_ContextualEq_Lemmas.v supporting lemmas of contexts
Bang_ContextualEq_Sound.v sound to contextual equivalence
Bang_ContextualEq_Prop.v properties of contextual equivalence
Bang_ContextualEq_Complete.v complete to contextual equivalence
Bang_Renaming.v lemmas for variables renaming
Bang_OParametricity_Pre.v supporting lemmas of relations
Bang_OParametricity_Interface.v signature of logical relations
Bang_OParametricity_Macro.v macro lemmas
Bang_OParametricity.v parametricity
Bang_OParametricity_App.v applications
Bang_OParametricity_App2.v applications
Bang_OContextualEq_Lemmas.v supporting lemmas of contexts
Bang_OContextualEq_Sound.v sound to contextual equivalence
DESCRIPTION : Proofs of the safety, closed parametricity, and open parametricity for Bang.
DESCRIPTION : Experimental formulation of "standard" linear type system using algorithmic typing judgments that compute the "residual" resources.
You will probably need
- Coq 8.2pl1 (June. 2009) [2].
- A Coq library for programming language metatheory (20090714) [3].
This directory contains a corresponding metatheory library. So you can compile the code without additional installations.
[1] Karl Mazurak, Jianzhou Zhao, and Steve Zdancewic. Lightweight linear types in system F^o. 2009. Unpublished Draft. [2] [3]
Compiling and using this software:
- Run 'make' in ll/coq/linf
- Run 'make' in ll/coq/parametricity
- Run 'make' in ll/coq/bang
- Run 'make' in ll/sf/cbv, ll/sf/cbn and ll/sf/ocbv
- The code in ll/coq/linf formalizes LinF with additive products type. It does not formalize Boolean types at section 3.3, and multiplicative products type at section 4.3. The corresponding parametricity proofs do not cover these two types either.
Our contextual equivalence observes outcomes of complete programs by values of
a base type,
[ \begin{array}{rll} [[ GG ; 0 |- v ~~ v' isin Bool : s ]] & \triangleq & ([[v]] = [[true]] \land [[v']] = [[true]]) \lor ([[v]] = [[false]] \land [[v']] = [[false]]) \ \end{array} ]
We assume the following encodings to represent
Definition Two := (typ_all kn_nonlin (typ_arrow kn_nonlin (typ_bvar 0) (typ_arrow kn_nonlin (typ_bvar 0) (typ_bvar 0)))). Definition tt := (exp_tabs kn_nonlin (exp_abs kn_nonlin (typ_bvar 0) (exp_abs kn_nonlin (typ_bvar 0) (exp_bvar 1)))). Definition ff := (exp_tabs kn_nonlin (exp_abs kn_nonlin (typ_bvar 0) (exp_abs kn_nonlin (typ_bvar 0) (exp_bvar 0)))).
Also, we assume that logical relations are consistent at type
Axiom F_related_values__consistent : forall v v',
F_related_values Two nil nil nil v v' ->
((v = tt /\ v' =tt) \/ (v = ff /\ v' =ff)).
Axiom F_Related_ovalues__consistent : forall v v',
F_Related_ovalues Two nil nil nil v v' nil nil->
((v = tt /\ v' =tt) \/ (v = ff /\ v' =ff)).
The Bang formalism in ll/coq/bang uses the follow encodings for
Definition Two := (typ_all (typ_arrow (typ_bang (typ_bvar 0)) (typ_arrow (typ_bang (typ_bvar 0)) (typ_bang (typ_bvar 0))))).
Definition tt := (exp_tabs
(typ_bang (typ_bvar 0))
(exp_bvar 0)
(typ_bang (typ_bvar 0))
(exp_bvar 0)
(exp_bang 2)
Definition ff := (exp_tabs
(typ_bang (typ_bvar 0))
(exp_bvar 0)
(typ_bang (typ_bvar 0))
(exp_bvar 0)
(exp_bang 0)
- When proving Compositionality', another subtlety is that the relation
${ ([[v]], [[v']]) | , \exists [[DD]], [[GG; DD |- v ~~ v' isin t : s]] }$ must satisfy weakening on$[[s]]$ .
By induction on the type structure of
The current version of metatheory [3] does not support name spaces separation. Therefore, we assume two axioms in LinF_OParametricity.v:
Axiom ddom_gdom_disjoint : forall X x E,
X `in` ddom_env E ->
x `in` gdom_env E ->
X <> x.
Axiom ddom_ldom_disjoint : forall X x E (lE:lenv),
X `in` ddom_env E ->
x `in` dom lE ->
X <> x.
They state exactly the idea that type variables and term variables are in different name spaces, and the proofs only use these axioms at the above case to show that relation can be weaken.
The Bang formalism in ll/coq/bang also makes the same assumptions.