Dict-TTS: Learning to Pronounce with Prior Dictionary Knowledge for Text-to-Speech
Ziyue Jiang, Zhe Su, Zhou Zhao, Qian Yang, Yi Ren, Jinglin Liu, Zhenhui Ye
Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2206.02147Conference: NIPS 2022
We provide our implementation and pretrained models as open source in this repository.
Visit our demo page for audio samples.
# Install Python 3 first. (Anaconda recommended)
# build a virtual env
conda create -n dict_tts python=3.9
conda activate dict_tts
# install pytorch requirements
# We use RTX 3080 with CUDA 11.3
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
# Newer version of MFA has different output format
conda install montreal-forced-aligner==2.0.0rc3 -c conda-forge
pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt install -y sox libsox-fmt-mp3
Install the aligner (MFA 2.0)
# with conda (recommended, and is included in the script above)
conda install montreal-forced-aligner==2.0.0rc3 -c conda-forge
# with pip
bash scripts/install_mfa2.sh
Download the datasets (for example, Biaobei)
Download Biaobei from https://www.data-baker.com/open source.html to data/raw/biaobei
Download the pre-trained vocoder
mkdir pretrained
mkdir pretrained/hifigan_hifitts
download model_ckpt_steps_2168000.ckpt
, config.yaml
, from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1n_0tROauyiAYGUDbmoQ__eqyT_G4RvjN?usp=sharing to pretrained/hifigan_hifitts
Download the pre-trained language model
download roformer-chinese-base
, from https://huggingface.co/junnyu/roformer_chinese_base to pretrained/roformer-chinese-base
Obtain the dictionary You can use the dictionary in ./data/zh-dict.json or crawl the dictionary from the dictionary website mentioned in our paper.
export CONFIG=egs/datasets/audio/biaobei/dict_tts.yaml
python data_gen/tts/bin/pre_align.py --config $CONFIG
python data_gen/tts/bin/mfa_train.py --config $CONFIG
python data_gen/tts/bin/mfa_align.py --config $CONFIG
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python data_gen/tts/bin/binarize.py --config $CONFIG
You can download the pre-trained models from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oAaXlbGo03RIymwDthKEjOGmi-QcfWhm?usp=sharing, put them to the chechkpoints/dicttts_biaobei_wo_gumbel
and follow the inference steps below.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python tasks/run.py --config $CONFIG --exp_name dicttts_biaobei_wo_gumbel --reset --hparams="ds_workers=4,max_updates=300000,num_valid_plots=10,use_word_input=True,vocoder_ckpt=pretrained/hifigan_hifitts,max_sentences=60,val_check_interval=2000,valid_infer_interval=2000,binary_data_dir=data/binary/biaobei,word_size=8000,use_dict=True"
Infer (GPU)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python tasks/run.py --config $CONFIG --exp_name dicttts_biaobei_wo_gumbel --infer --hparams="ds_workers=4,max_updates=300000,num_valid_plots=10,use_word_input=True,vocoder_ckpt=pretrained/hifigan_hifitts,max_sentences=60,val_check_interval=2000,valid_infer_interval=2000,binary_data_dir=data/binary/biaobei,word_size=8000,use_dict=True"
Eval the pronunciation error rate (PER)
# The PER of the current version is about 1.93 %.
python scripts/get_pron_error.py
: the config files in the experiments,which is read byutils/hparams.py
: preprocess and binarize the datasetmodules
: modelscripts
: some scripts used in the experimentstasks
: dataloader, training and inferenceutils
: utilsdata
: data folderraw
: raw filesprocessed
: preprocessed filesbinary
: binary files
: checkpoint, tensorboard logs, and inference results。
- The pretrained models
- The Gumbel softmax version
If you find this useful for your research, please cite the following papers:
- Dict-TTS
title={Dict-TTS: Learning to Pronounce with Prior Dictionary Knowledge for Text-to-Speech},
author={Jiang, Ziyue and Zhe, Su and Zhao, Zhou and Yang, Qian and Ren, Yi and Liu, Jinglin and Ye, Zhenhui},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.02147},
Our codes are influenced by the following repos:
Any organization or individual is prohibited from using any technology mentioned in this paper to generate someone's speech without his/her consent, including but not limited to government leaders, political figures, and celebrities. If you do not comply with this item, you could be in violation of copyright laws.