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Research Artifact of USENIX Security 2023 Paper: Precise and Generalized Robustness Certification for Neural Networks

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Research Artifact of USENIX Security 2023 Paper: Precise and Generalized Robustness Certification for Neural Networks



  • Build from source code

    git clone
    cd GCert
    pip install -r requirements.txt


This repo is organized as follows:

  • implementation - This folder provides implementations and examples of regulating generative models with continuity and independence. See detailed documents here

  • experiments - This folder provides scripts of our evaluations. See detailed documents here

  • frameworks - GCert is incorporated into three conventional certification frameworks (i.e., AI2/Eran, GenProver, and ExactLine). This folder provides the scripts for configurations; see detailed documents here

  • data - This folder provides scripts for data processing and shows examples of some data samples. See detailed documents here.


The following four datasets are considered in our evaluation.

  • MNIST - We use the dataset provided by Pytorch (see here). Note that the original image size is $1 \times 27 \times 27$. We resize the image size to $1 \times 32 \times 32$.

  • CIFAR10 - We use the dataset provided by Pytorch (see here).

  • Driving - The images can be downloaded here. We provide several examples in data/driving folder. The dataset class can be implemented using the ImageFolder class in Pytorch.

  • CelebA - The official dataset can be downloaded here. Once downloading the dataset, you can use data/celeba_crop128/ to process the dataset, which splits the dataset into different subfolders and crop and resize the faces into $128 \times 128$. Several processed examples are given in the data/celeba_crop128/train folder. We also provide the mapping between file names and human IDs in data/CelebA_ID_to_name.json and data/CelebA_name_to_ID.json.
    The dataset class is implemented in experiments/


GCert is incorporated into the following three frameworks for certification.


The official implementation of GenProver is provided here.

After downloading the code, you need to modify the following scripts in the projects:

  • frameworks/GenProver/ - GenProver is implemented based on DiffAI and re-implements different Pytorch nn modules with InferModule of DiffAI. We modified the implementations of several modules (mostly the BatchNorm module) to better fit the implementations in Pytorch. You can replace the original with our provided one.

  • frameworks/GenProver/ - We added implementations (with DiffAI modules) of our models in this script. You can replace the original with our provided one.

Note that in order to load models trained with Pytorch, you need to do the following:

  1. Implement the model following the examples given in experiments/ We suggest implementing the model with nn.Sequential() and hard-coding the name for each nn.Sequential().

  2. Implement every operation as a class inherited from Pytorch nn module. For example, the operation should be implement as class CatTwo(nn.Module) in experiments/; see examples in experiments/

  3. Implement the corresponding class following DiffAI in frameworks/GenProver/ For example, for the class CatTwo(nn.Module) in experiments/, you should implement a class CatTwo(InferModule) in; more examples are given in

  4. When loading the trained weights, you need to convert the key in state_dict. We provide the implementation and examples in frameworks/GenProver/


We use the ExactLine implemented by authors of GenProver. The source code can be downloaded here.

The implmentation of ExactLine and GenProver are almost the same, except that GenProver merges segments in intermediate outputs as box/polyhedra. Thus, to use ExactLine, you only need to set

use_clustr = None

in the implementation of GenProver.


The official implementation is provided here. In our experiments, we use the adaptor provided by VeriGauge to set up AI2/ERAN.

VeriGauge and AI2/ERAN are well implemented and documented; you can smoothly set up everything following their instructions.


This folder provides implementations and examples of regulating generative models with independence and continuity.


To enforce the continuity, you need to add an extra training objective. See more details in implementation/ Below, we show how to train a conventional GAN with regulation of continuity.

def continuity(generator):
    # if the latent space follows uniform distribution
    z1 = Tensor(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (batch_size, latent_dimension)))
    z2 = Tensor(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (batch_size, latent_dimension)))
    # # if the latent space follows normal distribution
    # z1 = Tensor(np.random.normal(0, 1, (batch_size, latent_dimension)))
    # z2 = Tensor(np.random.normal(0, 1, (batch_size, latent_dimension)))
    G1 = generator(z1)
    G2 = generator(z2)
    gamma = random.uniform(0, 1)
    z = torch.lerp(z1, z2, gamma)
    # an `intermediate point` between z1 and z2
    G = generator(z)
    penality = (gamma * G2 - G - (1 - gamma) * G1).square().mean()
    return penality

n_epochs = 100
for epoch in range(n_epochs):
    for i, (images, *_) in enumerate(tqdm(dataloader)):

        images = Tensor(images)

        z = Tensor(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (batch_size, latent_dimension)))
        # or: Tensor(np.random.normal(0, 1, (batch_size, latent_dimension)))
        G = generator(z)
        g_loss = bce(discriminator(G), real)

        g_loss += continuity(generator)
        # just add this one line :D


        real_loss = bce(discriminator(images), real)
        fake_loss = bce(discriminator(G), fake)
        d_loss = (real_loss + fake_loss) / 2


The independence is ensured from the following two aspects.

Global Mutations

For global mutations, different mutations are represented as orthogonal directions in the latent space. This is achieved using SVD; see details in implementation/

Below is an example of getting global mutating directions

J = Jacobian(G, z)
# `G` is the generative model and `z` is the latent point
directions = get_direction(J, None)

Local Mutations

For local mutations, besides representing different mutations as orthogonal directions, we also ensure that only the selected local region is mutated. This is achieved by projecting mutating directions of the local region into non-mutating directions of the background.

Before performing local mutation, you need to manualy set the foreground and backgroud indexes. Below is an example of mutating eyes for ffhq images.

    'left_eye': [120, 95, 20, 38],
    'right_eye': [120, 159, 20, 38],
    'eyes': [120, 128, 20, 115],
    'nose': [142, 131, 40, 46],
    'mouth': [184, 127, 30, 70],
    'chin': [217, 130, 42, 110],
    'eyebrow': [126, 105, 15, 118],

def get_mask_by_coordinates(image_size, coordinate):
    """Get mask using the provided coordinates."""
    mask = np.zeros([image_size, image_size], dtype=np.float32)
    center_x, center_y = coordinate[0], coordinate[1]
    crop_x, crop_y = coordinate[2], coordinate[3]
    xx = center_x - crop_x // 2
    yy = center_y - crop_y // 2
    mask[xx:xx + crop_x, yy:yy + crop_y] = 1.
    return mask

coords = COORDINATE_ffhq['eyes']
mask = get_mask_by_coordinates(256, coordinate=coords)
foreground_ind = np.where(mask == 1)
background_ind = np.where((1 - mask) == 1)
directions = get_direction(J, None, foreground_ind, background_ind)

The coordinates are provided by authors of LowRankGAN.

Performing Mutations

Once you get the mutating directions, you can perform mutations in the following way.

delta = 1.0
for i in range(len(directions)):
    v = directions[i]
    x_ = G(z + delta * v)

delta controls the extent of the mutation. x_ is the mutated input using the i-th mutating direction.


This folder provides scripts for our evaluations.

Models and Datasets

  • experiments/ - We implement two Pytorch Dataset classes for CelebA. CelebARecog is used for training face recognition models. CelebAGen is employed for training face image generator.

  • experiments/ - We implement our models in this script. In accordance to requirements of GenProver/ExactLine, the implementations are carefully crafted. See details in GenProver.

  • experiments/ - Our face recognition model takes a tuple of two images as one input and predicts whether the two faces are from the same person. This script implements how we train the face recognition model.

See data for how to download and process the datasets.



  • experiments/ - This script shows how we augment the training data with different geometrical (affine) mutations. In brief, this is achieved by applying the mutation in runtime.

Pytorch transforms module supports randomly applying affine mutations on each input, see implementation below.

                # translate=(0.3, 0.3),
                # scale=(0.75, 1.2),
                # shear=(0.2)

We also provide implementations of different mutations in experiments/ Below is the example of rotation.

class Rotation(Transformation):
    def init_id(self):
        self.category = 'geometrical' = 'rotation'

    def mutate(self, seed):
        x = seed['x']
        img = self.torch2cv(x)
        ext = self.extent()
        rows, cols, ch = img.shape
        M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols/2, rows/2), ext, 1)
        x_ = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (cols, rows))
        return self.cv2torch(x_), seed['z']

    def extent(self):
        ext = np.random.choice(list(range(-180, 180)))
        # Set the maximal extent of mutations here
        return ext

You can also augment the training data with rotation (such that rotation can be decomposed from the latent space of the generative model) in the follow way.

from mutation import Rotation

for epoch in range(num_epoch):
    for (image, *_) in dataloader:
        image_ = Rotation.mutate(image)
        # Then use `image_` to train the generative model


For perceptual-level mutations, since they are extracted from the perception variations from natural images, you don not need to do anything; just train a standard generative model. See implementation/ for how to obtain perceptual-level mutations.


For stylized mutations, you need to train the generative model following the cycle-consistency (which is proposed in CycleGAN). The official Pytorch implementation of CycleGAN is provided here. You can smoothly set up everything following the official documents.

For different artistical styles, we use the style files provided here.

For weather-filters, we use the simulated filters provided by imgaug. The implementations are given in experiments/ Below is an example of the foggy mutation.

import imgaug.augmenters as iaa

class Weather(Transformation):
    def mutate(self, seed):
        x = seed['x']
        img = self.torch2cv(x)
        x_ = self.trans(images=[img])[0]
        return self.cv2torch(x_), seed['z']

class Fog(Weather):
    def init_id(self):
        self.category = 'style' = 'fog'
        self.trans = iaa.Fog()

Evalution Tools

  • experiments/ - This script implements how to calculate the minimal enclosing rectangle for assessing the geometrical properties.

  • experiments/ - This script implements the synthetic dataset of our ablation study. You can directly use the SyntheticDataset class as one Pytorch dataset class.


We sincerely thank authors of the following projects for open-sourcing their code, which greatly help us develop GCert.


If GCert is helpful for your research, please consider cite our work as follows:

  title={Precise and Generalized Robustness Certification for Neural Networks},
  author={Yuan, Yuanyuan and Wang, Shuai and Su, Zhendong},
  booktitle={32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23)},

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Yuanyuan ([email protected]).


Research Artifact of USENIX Security 2023 Paper: Precise and Generalized Robustness Certification for Neural Networks






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