DUE March 30, 2015 Monday (2015-03-30)
Name: Yong Cho
I chose to play with the IMAP library. IMAP library provides procedures to connect to an email server and retrieve email contents. Racket IMAP document lists all the procedures availabe in the library and instructions to use them.
In order to connect to an email server, you use imap-connect*
procedure. Of course, you need a login credentials as well as the server's internet address. Since you are sending personal information over the network, it is necessary to establish a secure connection using SSL. Racket has an openssl library for this. Following code makes a connection to the server and logs you in.
(require openssl)
(require net/imap)
(define SSL-PORT 993)
(define SERVER "imap.googlemail.com")
(define USERNAME "[email protected]")
(define PASSWORD "my-email-password")
(define MAILBOX "inbox")
(define ctx (ssl-secure-client-context))
(define-values (in out) (ssl-connect SERVER SSL-PORT ctx))
(define-values (imap-gmail total-msgs recent-msgs)
(imap-connect* in out USERNAME PASSWORD MAILBOX))
> imap-gmail
Once you are logged in, you can use imap-messages
procedure to check how many messages are in your mailbox.
(define number-of-messages (imap-messages imap-gmail))
> number-of-messages
To download email messages, you can call imap-get-messages
procedure. This procedures consumes a list of email indexes you want to download and a set of symbols indicating which fields of the message to download -- 'uid, 'header, 'body, 'flags. Here is an exmaple.
(define msg-list (imap-get-messages imap-gmail (list 1 3 5) '(header body)))
> msg-list
'((#"MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nReceived: by; Sun, 17 Mar 2013 17:37:54 -0700 (PDT)\r\nDate: Sun, 17 Mar 2013 17:37:54 -0700\r\nMessage-ID: <CAPseogrKLn5HWH_YztimwKWGrofQE67WsJvSnVWJ5xFW1BeF8A@mail.gmail.com>\r\nSubject: Get Gmail on your mobile phone\r\nFrom: Gmail Team <[email protected]>\r\nTo: Yong Cho <[email protected]>\r\nContent-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=bcaec53f89b72165b904d82833d3\r\n\r\n"
#"--bcaec53f89b72165b904d82833d3\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r\n\r\n [image: Access Gmail on your mobile
... (
You probably want to use a regex or something to parse what you want out of the raw contents. Also, you need to use bytes->string
procedure if you want to convert the downloaded byte string into a regular string.
(define parsed-subject
(regexp-match #rx"\r\nSubject: (.*)\r\nFrom:" raw-header))
(define subject (bytes->string/utf-8 (cadr parsed-subject)))
> subject
Get Gmail on your mobile phone
Here is a screenshot of a simple email client I wrote using this library.
And here is the code for it. Feel free to modify and use it.
#lang racket
(require racket/gui/base
;; (require browser)
;; (require browser/htmltext)
;; login information
(define SSL-PORT 993)
(define SERVER "imap.googlemail.com")
(define USERNAME "[email protected]")
(define PASSWORD "my-password")
(define MAILBOX "inbox")
;; GUI size
(define MIN-WIDTH 620)
(define FROM-COLUMN-WIDTH 100)
(define DATE-COLUMN-WIDTH 100)
(define FROM-COLUMN 1)
(define DATE-COLUMN 2)
(define columns-list (list "Subject" "From" "Date"))
(define make-message list)
(define message-subject car)
(define message-from cadr)
(define message-date caddr)
(define message-body cadddr)
(define (lmap proc lists)
(if (null? (car lists))
(cons (foldr proc '() (map car lists))
(lmap proc (map cdr lists)))))
(define (zip list-of-lists)
(lmap cons list-of-lists))
(define main-window (new frame%
(label "Simple E-mail Client v0.1")
(height 600)))
;; Top panel has the list of emails the user can select.
;; Bottom panel shows the contents of the selected email.
(define v-panel
(new vertical-panel%
(parent main-window)))
(define top-panel
(new panel%
(parent v-panel)))
(define message-list-box
(new list-box%
(parent top-panel)
(label #f)
(style '(single column-headers))
(min-width MIN-WIDTH)
(columns columns-list)
(choices (list )) ; list will be filled once the emails are downloaded.
(lambda (c e) ; called when the user selects an email
(define selection (car (send message-list-box get-selections)))
(define mail-body (send message-list-box get-data selection))
(send contents-text erase)
(send contents-text insert mail-body)
(send contents-canvas scroll-to 0 0 0 0 #t 'start)))))
(send message-list-box set-column-width SUBJECT-COLUMN SUBJECT-COLUMN-WIDTH 100 1920)
(send message-list-box set-column-width FROM-COLUMN FROM-COLUMN-WIDTH 30 300)
(send message-list-box set-column-width DATE-COLUMN DATE-COLUMN-WIDTH 30 200)
(define bottom-panel
(new panel%
(parent v-panel)
(style (list 'border))))
(define contents-canvas
(new editor-canvas% (parent bottom-panel)))
(define contents-text (new text%))
(send contents-text auto-wrap #t)
(send contents-canvas set-editor contents-text)
(send main-window show #t)
;; Send the login information to the server.
(define ctx (ssl-secure-client-context))
(define-values (in out) (ssl-connect SERVER SSL-PORT ctx))
(define-values (imap-gmail total-msgs recent-msgs)
(imap-connect* in out USERNAME PASSWORD MAILBOX))
;; Downloads ith message in the mailbox (counting from 1).
(define (get-msg i)
(define msg-list (imap-get-messages imap-gmail (list i) '(header body)))
(define raw-header (caar msg-list))
(define raw-body (cadar msg-list))
(define parsed-subject
(regexp-match #rx"\r\nSubject: (.*)\r\nFrom:" raw-header))
(define parsed-from
(regexp-match #rx"\r\nFrom: (.*) <.*>\r\nTo: " raw-header))
(define parsed-date
(regexp-match #rx"\r\nDate: [a-zA-Z]*, ([0-9]* [a-zA-Z]* [0-9]*) " raw-header))
(cond ((not (and parsed-subject parsed-from parsed-date)) #f)
(define subject (bytes->string/utf-8 (cadr parsed-subject)))
(define from (bytes->string/utf-8 (cadr parsed-from)))
(define date (bytes->string/utf-8 (cadr parsed-date)))
(define body (bytes->string/utf-8 raw-body))
(make-message subject from date body))))
;; Downloads ith to end'th messages.
;; Returns them as a list of lists.
(define (get-msgs i end)
(cond ((> i end) '())
((not (get-msg i)) (get-msgs (+ 1 i) end))
(else (cons (get-msg i)
(get-msgs (+ 1 i) end)))))
;; Adds a new message into the email list GUI panel.
(define (add-new-message msg)
(send message-list-box append (message-subject msg))
(define number-of-messages (send message-list-box get-number))
(define last (- number-of-messages 1))
(send message-list-box set-string last (message-from msg) FROM-COLUMN)
(send message-list-box set-string last (message-date msg) DATE-COLUMN)
(send message-list-box set-data last (message-body msg)))
;; Adds ith to end'th messages to the email list GUI.
(define (add-messages i end)
(cond ((> i end) (void))
((not (get-msg i)) (add-messages (+ 1 i) end))
(else (add-new-message (get-msg i))
(add-messages (+ 1 i) end))))
;; Go ahead and download all the messages and show them on the GUI.
(define number-of-messages (imap-messages imap-gmail))
(if (> number-of-messages 0)
(add-messages 1 (imap-messages imap-gmail))
Racket's IMAP library works as advertised.
Most email nowadays contain a boat load of html tags and hyperlinked images. It would have been nice if Racket had a way to render an html contents. I don't think Racket's browser library has an option for this. I could be wrong. It's something to check for.