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Issue labels

Andrey Savchenko edited this page Dec 2, 2015 · 20 revisions

GitHub repository uses number of labels, in additional to default set.

The labels currently in use are the following.

Issue type labels

Name Meaning
bug Acknowledged as bug to be fixed.
enhancement Describes future enhancements to be discussed and implemented.
duplicate Duplicate of another (earlier or better covered) existing issue.
invalid Unrelated to the scope of GitHub tracker.
question Inquiry or discussion about mechanics of code.
compatibility Involves third party products.
language Related to translation of strings.
i18n Related to technical side of making strings in code translatable.
javascript Specific to client–side JavaScript code.
interns These are issues that could be picked up by Yoast interns.
More labels are used to indicate specific functionality issue is related to, e.g. breadcrumbs.

Issue state labels

Name Meaning
wait for feedback Needs response and/or additional information to proceed.
needs decision These are issues that need some decision for direction to take.
needs refresh These are stale issues that need some update or new discussion.
blocked These issues / pull requests depend on other issues to be closed or code to be merged elsewhere.
has patch There is a pull request with a fix.

Waffle status labels

Waffle page is used to track the progress on issues and uses special labels to integrate with GitHub.

Name Meaning
scheduled Scheduled to be worked on.
community-patch Pull request contributed by community.
development Work currently in progress.
needs-code-review Awaits someone to start code review.
code-review Code review being performed.
needs-acceptance Awaits someone to start acceptance testing.
acceptance Acceptance testing being performed.