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YeltsinMartin edited this page Apr 25, 2021 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the TFTPServer wiki!

The TFTP server applciation was developed for the following requirements:

  • Develop a TFTP server that should be able to handle multiple clients.
  • TFTP Server should be able to accept connection UDP client.
  • TFTP client can connect to the Server and it can either upload file/image/video/audio to the given path or read the file/image/video/audio from the given path.
  • TFTP Server needs to collect statistics on how many times a particular file is downloaded.
  • Logging for TFTP Server needs to be added.
  • After a period, print the stats in the log file (ex: Which files are read how many times and what new files are added to the system)

Sample Input: TFTP.exe -host172.24.129.36 -port4044

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