This module contains some helper class and utilities for simplifying the task of parsing "parameters" both in express based applications as well as in other code parts.
The library may be added to any project with the following command:
# npm install @yeasoft/parseutils
Heavy work in progress. Most of the documentation is currently
only available in the corresponding .d.ts files
Since the module is in a very early stage, there is no real documentation. Here some examples:
const { ParamParser, HttpStatusError, resultHelper } = require( "@yeasoft/parseutils" );
const { getSpecifiedStr } = require( "@yeasoft/baseutils" );
function test( name, result ) {
if ( result.error instanceof Error ) {
console.error( `${name} failed:`, result.error );
else {
console.log( `${name} passed:`, result );
let parser = new ParamParser( { errormode: 'param' } );
// add standard email address validator for parameters "from", "to", "cc" and "bcc
parser.setValidator( "from,to,cc,bcc", "email" );
// add your own validator for parameters "subject", "text" and "html"
parser.setValidator( "subject,text,html", ( params, property ) => {
if ( typeof params[ property ] === 'string' ) {
let subject = params[ property ].toLowerCase();
if ( [ 'fuck', 'cunt', 'motherfucker' ].some( explicitWord => subject.indexOf( explicitWord ) != -1 ) ) {
throw new HttpStatusError( "Mind your language", 451 );
} );
// add your own transformer that makes sure you have a subject
parser.setTransformer( "subject", ( params, property ) => { params[ property ] = getSpecifiedStr( params[ property ], "No Subject" ); } );
// create a parser that returns all parameters but requires "from" to" and "subject" to be specified. "subject" will by autogenerated by the supplied tranformer.
let parseAll = parser.allParser( "from,to,subject" );
test( "Test 1", parseAll( {}, "from,to" ) );
test( "Test 2", parseAll( { from: "[email protected]", subject: "Yeah!" } ) );
test( "Test 3", parseAll( { from: "[email protected]", to: "Yeah!" } ) );
test( "Test 4", parseAll( { from: "[email protected]", to: "[email protected]", subject: "Fuck you!" } ) );
test( "Test 5", parseAll( { from: "[email protected]", to: "[email protected]" } ) );
// create a parser that returns onöy the specified parameters but requires "from" and "to" to be specified.
let parseOnly = parser.onlyParser( "from!,to!,cc,bcc,subject" );
test( "Test 6", parseOnly( {} ) );
test( "Test 7", parseOnly( { from: "[email protected]", subject: "Yeah!" } ) );
test( "Test 8", parseOnly( { from: "[email protected]", to: "Yeah!" } ) );
test( "Test 9", parseOnly( { from: "[email protected]", to: "[email protected]", subject: "Fuck you!" } ) );
test( "Test 10", parseOnly( { from: "[email protected]", to: "[email protected]" } ) );
See how simple it is to implement a web api:
const { ParamParser, HttpStatusError } = require( "@yeasoft/parseutils" );
const { getSpecifiedStr } = require( "@yeasoft/baseutils" );
let emailParser = new ParamParser( { methods: "GET,POST", errormode: 'exception' } );
// add standard email address validator for parameters "from", "to", "cc" and "bcc
parser.setValidator( "from,to,cc,bcc", "email" );
// add your own validator
parser.setValidator( "subject,text,html", ( params, property ) => {
if ( typeof params[ property ] === 'string' ) {
let subject = params[ property ].toLowerCase();
if ( [ 'fuck', 'cunt', 'motherfucker' ].some( explicitWord => subject.indexOf( explicitWord ) != -1 ) ) {
throw new HttpStatusError( "Mind your language", 451 );
} );
// add your own transformer that makes sure you have a subject
parser.setTransformer( "subject", ( params, property ) => { params[ property ] = getSpecifiedStr( params[ property ], "No Subject" ); } );
// register routes for sending mails
httpd.all( [ 'api/send/:from/:to/:subject', 'api/send' ], parser.only(), ( req, res ) => {
// you do have to care on parameter errors -> the parser throws an exception and everything is done by express
// regardless of the method and way of passing the parameters (url, query params, body): everything is in req.params
sendMyMail( req.params, ( error, result ) => {
resultHelper.handle( req, res, error, result, 200 );
} );
} );