To use thi template, you need to have installed: Mingw -(
Simply download the project and then run the Setup_SFML.bat file. You will be prompted to enter a name for your project. Leave it for a couple of seconds and you will find your project outside yout current directory.
Once your project is ready, open the folder and run the build.bat file to debug or release. Your cpp files can be anywhere in the src folder(recommended) but tou can create subfolders. If you absolutely want to have your code in another folder you will have to change the build.bat folder:
if "%mode%"=="r" (
echo setting up release files...
robocopy %cd% "BIN" /XD "dependencies" "src" "bin" ".vscode" /S NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /nc /ns
::find this line of code and change "src" by whatever folder name you want
del "BIN\build.bat"
del %CurrDirName%".exe"
echo release files successfully created in the bin Folder!
If you don't want to include SFML in the compilation process you have to do:
for /r "%cd%" %%a in (*.cpp) do (
echo compiling %%~nxa...
g++ -I dependencies/include -c %%~a
::remove -I dependencies/include and that's all
if ERRORLEVEL 1 call:errorfunc
In the .vscode folder there is a tasks file that will alow you to simply use F5 when you are in vscode to quickly test your project.