This project demonstrates how easily you can build your event-driven, event sourcing based application POC in 15 minutes using Tiny Event Sourcing library
This example uses MongoDb as an implementation of the Event store. You can see it in pom.xml
Thus, you have to run MongoDb in order to test this example. We have docker-compose
file in the root. Run following command to start the database:
docker-compose up
To make the application run you can start the main class DemoApplication
There are a couple of REST endpoints you can try to call.
To create new Project with name "Project" and creator user "Andrey" call:
POST http://localhost:8080/projects/Project?creatorId="Andrey"
As a response you will receive the corresponding event if everything went well:
"projectId": "823d4576-5e95-4027-bd9e-63b27086256c",
"title": "Project",
"creatorId": "\"Andrey\"",
"createdAt": 1672078429244,
"id": "e18fb19b-96eb-4706-b030-6cc5f7c23de2",
"version": 1
Now lets add some Task with name "Task" to the project. Take the projectId from previous response and perform:
POST http://localhost:8081/projects/823d4576-5e95-4027-bd9e-63b27086256c/tasks/Task
You will receive corresponding TASK_CREATED_EVENT
if everything ok
Now lets fetch the current state of the ProjectAggregate:
GET http://localhost:8081/projects/823d4576-5e95-4027-bd9e-63b27086256c
You will receive something like this:
"createdAt": 1672078820917,
"updatedAt": 1672078820917,
"projectTitle": "Project",
"creatorId": "Andrey",
"tasks": {
"4b2e75be-19c8-4504-82b1-be3a8775a21a": {
"id": "4b2e75be-19c8-4504-82b1-be3a8775a21a",
"name": "Task",
"tagsAssigned": []
"projectTags": {},
"id": "823d4576-5e95-4027-bd9e-63b27086256c"
This is the project with the only task inside.