Last Release
Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.
✔ No hook sounds, work with all resolution.
How to:
- Equip fishing pole
- Move skill 'Fishing' to slot with bind '1'
- Hide World of Warcraft UI (ALT + Z)
- Full camera zoom
- Unpause bot via Right click on icon
- Work only if found active window 'World of Warcraft'
- How it work:
- With cv2 the bot tracks the splashes on water and clicks into the point via LeftShift + RMB
- Bot has false positives because simple
Best performance on 800x600 Windowed Mode, no maximized or 1920x1080 maximized
Tested on areas: Orgrimmar, near WC dungeon and Ratchet
Works good (80%)