The project aims to help people get more productive using a BOT that will track your progress, using pomodoro units (customizable), giving to the user hints & tips on how getting on track with their own objectives.
- To-Do (MVP)
- Reminder
- Overview
- Hints & Tips
- Pomodoro Defaults
- Pomodoro Custom
- Dashboard - Web
- Python 3.7+
- Discord Py
- PostgreSQL
- Redis para cache
- Elixir/Ecto - API
At this point the project still only a Discord BOT so you will need to use pip to install the required libs using the command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Yet the project is growing, only is used
To install a development environment at your machine, use virtualenv from python, to create a isolated env to not polute your global installation:
virtualenv --python=path/to_your/python_binary venv
do not forget before using the terminal access the source, inside the directory which has the virtual environment, activate it
source venv/bin/activate
then install
pip install -r requirements.txt
The project does not have tests yet
We do follow PEP-8