Modify the click event of the power button as follows: only the screen is off, and other states remain unchanged. The system still considers the screen to be on. To turn on the screen, click the power button again. On the surface, the function of the power button does not change.
- Android9 MIUI10 9.9.3
- Android11 MIUI12.5.13
- K70Pro HyperOS 1.0.6(#15)
- xiaomi 10pro android 14 HyperOS(#13)
- OnePlus12 ColorOS14 (Android14)(xpko/FakeScreen#3)
- xiaomi pad Hyperos (Android14)(xpko/FakeScreen#1)
- redmi note8pro (#12)
- lgv50 android 11 (#11)
- realme X2 Cherish OS(#8)
- oneplus 5T crdroid (#8)
- redmi note10pro(#7)
- k50pro (#7)
- xiaomi 4C,魔趣ROM,android 9/10 (#7)
- one plus 9 android 12 (#18)
- 主界面按钮
- 磁贴(快速设置)
- shell命令
- main interface buttons
- Tiles (Quick Settings)
- shell command