Releases: Xposed-Modules-Repo/com.rdstory.miuiperfsaver
Releases · Xposed-Modules-Repo/com.rdstory.miuiperfsaver
- 功能:Joyose 规则内容支持长按复制到剪贴板
- 功能:提示电量性能、Joyose 应用不存在或被冻结
- 修复:某些机型修改 Joyose 帧率功能失效
- 修复:暗黑模式下 Joyose 规则内容背景色适配
- Feature:Allow copy Joyose profile content to clipboard by long pressing
- Feature:Notify if PowerKeeper or Joyose app not working
- Fix:Remote FPS limit not working on some devices
- Fix: Joyose profile content background color in dark mode
- 添加一个 Joyose 处理规则 “修改帧率限制”,温控帧率将全部修改为 999
- Joyose 页面显示云控规则内容
- Add an option to modify Joyose profile, which modify the FPS limit to 999
- Display Joyose profile content
- 修复 MIUI14 上 Joyose 云控屏蔽失效的问题
- Bug Fixed: Joyose not working on MIUI14
- 对于 DC 调光和高刷新率不兼容的情况,支持强行锁定 “DC+高刷” 或低亮度时自动切换到支持 DC 的刷新率
- 刷新率页面搜索应用时隐藏列表顶部固定选项
- Joyose 可选保留全部规则
- DC backlight and high screen refresh rate compatibility. Make incompatible devices run at DC + selected refresh rate at selected brightness
- Hide fixed header items while searching app
- Add an option to keep all joyose rules
- 支持屏蔽或修改 Joyose 云控规则
- 在“关于”页面增加了隐藏桌面图标选项
- Block or modify Joyose cloud strategy
- Add an option in "About" page to hide launcher icon
- add an option to set global default refresh rate
- bugfix
- 添加全局刷新率选项
- 问题修复
- Set different refresh rate for each app
- 每个应用分别锁定到不同刷新率
- 修复部分场景下,设置高刷不生效
- fix set max refresh rate not working in some situation