- SpaceView On top
//View will be shown on the top
self.showSpace(title: "title", description: "description", spaceOptions: [.spacePosition(position: .top)
- SpaceView On bottom
//View will be shown at the bottom
self.showSpace(title: "title", description: "description", spaceOptions: [.spacePosition(position: .bot)
- SpaceView with default styles
self.showSpace(title: "title", description: "description", spaceOptions: [.spaceStyle(style: .success)
- SpaceView set time to hide
//SpaceView will not hide
self.showSpace(title: "title", description: "description", spaceOptions: [.spaceTimer(timer: 3.0)
- SpaceView set autohide
//View will hide after 3 second
self.showSpace(title: "title", description: "description", spaceOptions: [ .shouldAutoHide(should: false)
- SpaceView set image
//Image which will be shown on the right side of spaceView
self.showSpace(title: "title", description: "description", spaceOptions: [.image(img: UIImage()),
- SpaceView set swipe and tap handler
//Set the your custom handlers. By default tap handler will hide SpaceView.
//SwipeAction will perform after user did swipe SpaceView
self.showSpace(title: "title", description: "description", spaceOptions: [
.swipeAction {print("SPACE VIEW DID SWIPE")},
.tapAction {print("SPACE VIEW DID TAP")}
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- iOS 8.0
- Xcode 8.2
SpaceView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "SpaceView"
Xopoko, [email protected]
SpaceView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.