The OPCD (OkayPlan & ColorDynamic) Navigation System
for Unstructured & Dynamic Environments
The video can be found here.
Tested on ubuntu 20.04 LTS with ROS Noetic.
Install ROS (Desktop-Full Install Recommended).
Install git:
sudo apt install git
Install Anaconda
Clone this repo:
cd ~/ git clone mv OPCD-Navigation ros_motion_planning # rename this repo, very important!
Create a conda virtual environment:
conda create -n opcd python=3.8.3
Install python dependence:
cd ~/ros_motion_planning conda activate opcd pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If you are in China, you can use the following command to speed up installation:
cd ~/ros_motion_planning conda activate opcd pip3 install -r requirements.txt -i
Install ROS packages:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python-is-python3 \ ros-noetic-gazebo-plugins \ ros-noetic-gazebo-ros \ ros-noetic-gazebo-ros-control \ ros-noetic-geometry-msgs \ ros-noetic-move-base \ ros-noetic-roscpp \ ros-noetic-rospy \ ros-noetic-std-msgs \ ros-noetic-tf2 \ ros-noetic-tf2-geometry-msgs \ ros-noetic-tf2-ros \ ros-noetic-urdf \ ros-noetic-xacro \ ros-noetic-amcl \ ros-noetic-base-local-planner \ ros-noetic-map-server \ ros-noetic-navfn \ libgoogle-glog-dev
Compile the code:
cd ~/ros_motion_planning/scripts/ conda activate opcd ./ # you may need to install catkin-tools using: sudo apt install python-catkin-tools
NOTE: Please refer to #48 if you meet libignition dependency error.
Launch the simulation environments:
cd ~/ros_motion_planning/scripts/ ./ # wait for the Gazebo and Rviz to get ready
Start the OkayPlan global planner:
cd ~/ros_motion_planning/src/sim_env/scripts/OkayPlan_ColorDynamic/Play/OkayPlan/ conda activate opcd python
Start the ColorDynamic local planner:
cd ~/ros_motion_planning/src/sim_env/scripts/OkayPlan_ColorDynamic/Play/ColorDynamic/ conda activate opcd python
Wait for about 5 seconds until the OkayPlan and ColorDynamic are ready
Use 2D Nav Goal in Rviz to set the navigation goal.
You can use the other script to shutdown them rapidly.
cd ~/ros_motion_planning/scripts/ ./
CUDA Driver=550.120
CUDA Version=12.4
├── 3rd
├── docs
├── docker
├── assets
├── scripts # .sh scripts for start simulation
└── src
├── core
│ ├── common
│ ├── path_planner # Classical global planner
│ └── controller # Classical local planner
├── pgm_map_creator # Occupancy grid map generator
├── sim_env # simulation environment
│ ├── config
│ ├── launch # Launch files for OPCD and Classical Planners
│ ├── maps
│ ├── meshes
│ ├── models
│ ├── rviz
│ ├── scripts # Python scripts of OkayPlan and ColorDynamic
│ ├── urdf # urdf files for Gazebo robot simulation
│ └── worlds
├── plugins
│ ├── dynamic_rviz_config
│ ├── dynamic_xml_config
│ ├── gazebo_plugins
│ ├── map_plugins
│ └── rviz_plugins
└── user_config # user configure file for Classical Planner
To cite this repository in publications:
title={ColorDynamic: Generalizable, Scalable, Real-time, End-to-end Local Planner for Unstructured and Dynamic Environments},
author={Jinghao Xin, Zhichao Liang, Zihuan Zhang, Peng Wang, and Ning Li},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.19892},
The ROS simulation environment is built on ai-winter/ros_motion_planning.