Using ClassyVision to implement Resnext3d model, refer to How to do video classification part, so you can see the details how to do a video classification task using ClassyVision
Install TorchVison:
git clone
python install
- Install ClassyVision:
git clone
cd ClassyVision
pip install .
- Install PyAV:
conda install av -c conda-forge
- Download the Video dataset: UCF101: see How to do video classification
usage: [-h] [--num_epochs N] [-bt N] [-be N] [-p N] [-e] [--no-cuda]
PyTorch Video UCF101 Training
positional arguments:
DIR path to video files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--num_epochs N number of total epochs to run
-bt N, --batch-size-train N
bathch size of for training setp
-be N, --batch-size-eval N
bathch size of for eval setp
-p N, --print-freq N print frequency (default: 10)
-e, --evaluate evaluate model on validation set
--no-cuda disable CUDA
--mkldnn use mkldnn backend
For 3d ops of MKLDNN backend, PyTorch master not support them now, only available our internal branch. Thanks!
- Running on native cpu path:
### using OMP_NUM_THREADS=56
### using KMP_AFFINITY=granularity=fine,compact,1,0
Namespace(batch_size_eval=10, batch_size_train=16, evaluate=True, mkldnn=False, no_cuda=True, num_epochs=300, print_fr eq=10, video_dir='UCF101')
Using native CPU backend to do this work.
Running evaluation step.
Test: [ 0/3781] Time 109.408 (109.408) Data 0.677 ( 0.677) Loss 0.0000e+00 (0.0000e+00)
Test: [ 10/3781] Time 95.489 (96.458) Data 0.674 ( 0.622) Loss 0.0000e+00 (0.0000e+00)
Test: [ 20/3781] Time 94.773 (95.659) Data 0.547 ( 0.608) Loss 0.0000e+00 (0.0000e+00)
Test: [ 30/3781] Time 95.197 (95.485) Data 0.634 ( 0.614) Loss 0.0000e+00 (0.0000e+00)
- Running on MKLDNN backend path:
### cache input/output in mkldnn format
### using OMP_NUM_THREADS=56
### using KMP_AFFINITY=granularity=fine,compact,1,0
Namespace(batch_size_eval=10, batch_size_train=16, evaluate=True, mkldnn=True, no_cuda=True, num_epochs=300, print_freq=10, video_dir='UCF101')
Using MKLDNN backend to do this work.
Running evaluation step.
Test: [ 0/3781] Time 7.979 ( 7.979) Data 0.689 ( 0.689) Loss 0.0000e+00 (0.0000e+00)
Test: [ 10/3781] Time 7.831 ( 7.896) Data 0.697 ( 0.650) Loss 0.0000e+00 (0.0000e+00)
Test: [ 20/3781] Time 7.103 ( 7.636) Data 0.616 ( 0.651) Loss 0.0000e+00 (0.0000e+00)
Test: [ 30/3781] Time 7.152 ( 7.483) Data 0.643 ( 0.661) Loss 0.0000e+00 (0.0000e+00)
We can get ~13x
performance improvement