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faluhong authored Apr 4, 2020
1 parent b1e4613 commit d65589f
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Showing 4 changed files with 357 additions and 0 deletions.
114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
import numpy as np
import math
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.integrate import quad

# This is the example of GEM-type model (including GEM-eta and GEM-sigma models) writing with Python 3.7
# Both models have four parameters

def GEM_eta(time,*param):
P, T_Ave, eta0, eta1 = param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3]
sum = 0
h1 = eta0 + eta1 * time_DTC
for i in range(1, FourierNumber + 1):
M = 1.0 / np.sqrt(i * OmegaCal * P * P + np.sqrt(2 * i * OmegaCal) * P * h1 + h1 * h1)
FourierA = 1.0 / pi * quad(FourierKernalA, X1, X2, args=(i))[0]
FourierB = 1.0 / pi * quad(FourierKernalB, X1, X2, args=(i))[0]
Fi = np.arctan(P * np.sqrt(i * OmegaCal) / (np.sqrt(2.0) * h1 + P * np.sqrt(i * OmegaCal)))
Gt = FourierA * np.cos(i * OmegaCal * time - Fi) + FourierB * np.sin(i * OmegaCal * time - Fi)

sum = sum + Gt * M

LSTReturn = T_Ave + sum
return LSTReturn

def GEM_sigma(time,*param):

P, T_Ave, h1, sigma =param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3]
for i in range(1,FourierNumber+1):

FourierA = 1.0 / pi * quad(FourierKernalA, X1, X2, args=(i))[0]
FourierB = 1.0 / pi * quad(FourierKernalB, X1, X2, args=(i))[0]


return LSTReturn

def FourierKernalA(x,n):
return (1-albedo)*SolarConstant*CosSZA*AtmosphereTransmittance*np.cos(n*x)

def FourierKernalB(x,n):
return (1-albedo)*SolarConstant*CosSZA*AtmosphereTransmittance*np.sin(n*x)

# Example data
Latitude = 40.3581
Longitude = -3.9803
DOY = 139

# DTC model starts from the sunrise to the next sunrise, the values greater than 24 refer to the time in the next day

# Basic settings of GEM-type model

# OmegaEarth represents the angular velocity of the earth

# delta is the solar declination
delta = 23.45 * np.sin(2 * pi / 366.0 * (284 + DOY))
# omega is the duration of daytime
omega = 2.0 / 15 * math.acos(-math.tan(Latitude / 180.0 * pi) * math.tan(delta / 180.0 * pi)) * 180.0 / pi
sunrisetime = 12 - omega / 2

# Calculating the integrating range
# TimeChangeOne and TimeChangTwo cloud be regarded as the time range of daytime (represented by seconds)
TimeChangeOne= 43200 - np.arccos((0.04 - np.sin(delta / 180 * pi) * np.sin(Latitude / 180 * pi)) / (np.cos(delta / 180 * pi) * np.cos(Latitude / 180 * pi))) / OmegaEarth
TimeChangTwo= 86400 - TimeChangeOne
#X1 and X2 represent the intergrating range of FourierKernalA and FourierKernalA
X1 = TimeChangeOne * OmegaEarth
X2 = TimeChangTwo * OmegaEarth

# Setting the initial value
p0 = [1000 ,np.average(temperature_DTC) ,10, 0]

# Solving the free parameters of GEM-eta model. Bounds and max_nfev are optional
popt, pcov = curve_fit(GEM_eta, time_DTC*3600, temperature_DTC, p0, bounds=([100, 200, -100, -100], [5000, 350, 100, 100]),max_nfev=10000)
temperature_modelling = GEM_eta(time_DTC*3600, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3])
print (popt)

# Solving the free parameters of GEM-sigma model. Bounds and max_nfev are optional
# popt, pcov = curve_fit(GEM_sigma, time_DTC*3600, temperature_DTC, p0, bounds = ([100, 200, -100, -100], [5000, 350, 100, 100]), max_nfev = 10000)
# temperature_modelling = GEM_sigma(time_DTC*3600, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3])
# print (popt)

print('RMSE of GEM model:',np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(temperature_DTC-temperature_modelling))))

plt.title('Example of GEM-type model')
plt.plot(time_DTC,temperature_DTC,'.g',label='LST observations')
plt.plot(time_DTC, temperature_modelling, 'r', label='DTC modelling results')

61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
import numpy as np
import math
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

# This is the example of GOT01 model writing with Python 3.7

def GOT01(time, *param):

T0, Ta, tm, ts,deltaT = param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4]
k = omega / (pi * np.tan(pi / omega * (ts - tm)))
temperature = np.zeros(np.shape(time),dtype=np.float)
temperature[Mask] = T0 + Ta * np.cos(pi / omega * (time[Mask] - tm))

#You can obtain the INA08 model by replacing the exponential function with hyperbolic function
temperature[~Mask] = T0 +deltaT + [Ta * np.cos(pi / omega * (ts - tm))-deltaT] * np.exp(-(time[~Mask]- ts) / k)

return temperature

# Example data

# DTC model starts from the sunrise to the next sunrise, the values greater than 24 refer to the time in the next day

# delta is the solar declination
delta = 23.45 * np.sin(2 * pi / 365.0 * (284 + DOY))

# omega is the duration of daytime
omega = 2.0 / 15 * math.acos(-math.tan(Latitude / 180.0 * pi) * math.tan(delta / 180.0 * pi)) * 180.0 / pi

sunrisetime = 12 - omega / 2

# Setting the initial value
p0 = [np.average(temperature_DTC), np.max(temperature_DTC) - np.min(temperature_DTC), 13.0, sunsettime-1,0]

# Solving the free parameters of GOT09 model. Bounds and max_nfev are optional
popt, pcov = curve_fit(GOT01, time_DTC, temperature_DTC, p0, bounds = ([200, 0, 8,12,-5], [400, 60, 17, 23,5]), max_nfev = 10000)

temperature_modelling = GOT01(time_DTC, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3],popt[4])

print('RMSE of GOT01 model:',np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(temperature_DTC-temperature_modelling))))

plt.title('Example of GOT01 model')
plt.plot(time_DTC,temperature_DTC,'.g',label='LST observations')
plt.plot(time_DTC, temperature_modelling, 'r', label='DTC modelling results')

89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
import numpy as np
import math
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

# This is the example of GOT09 model writing with Python 3.7

def GOT09(time, *param):
T0, Ta, tm, ts, DeltaT, tao = param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3],param[4],param[5]

theta = pi / 12 * (time - tm)
theta_s = pi / 12 * (ts - tm)
mask_LT = time < ts
mask_GE = time >= ts

Re, H = 6371, 8.43

cos_sza = math.sin(delta / 180 * pi) * math.sin(Latitude / 180 * pi) + math.cos(delta / 180 * pi) * math.cos(
Latitude / 180 * pi) * np.cos(theta)
cos_sza_s = math.sin(delta / 180 * pi) * math.sin(Latitude / 180 * pi) + math.cos(delta / 180 * pi) * math.cos(
Latitude / 180 * pi) * math.cos(theta_s)
sin_sza_s = math.sqrt(1 - cos_sza_s * cos_sza_s)
cos_sza_min = math.sin(delta / 180 * pi) * math.sin(Latitude / 180 * pi) + math.cos(delta / 180 * pi) * math.cos(
Latitude / 180 * pi)

m_val = -Re / H * cos_sza + np.sqrt(pow((Re / H * cos_sza), 2) + 2 * Re / H + 1)
m_sza_s = -Re / H * cos_sza_s + math.sqrt(pow((Re / H * cos_sza_s), 2) + 2 * Re / H + 1)
m_min = -Re / H * cos_sza_min + math.sqrt(pow((Re / H * cos_sza_min), 2) + 2 * Re / H + 1)

sza_derive_s = math.cos(delta / 180 * pi) * math.cos(Latitude / 180 * pi) * math.sin(theta_s) / math.sqrt(
1 - cos_sza_s * cos_sza_s)
m_derive_s = Re / H * sin_sza_s - pow(Re / H, 2) * cos_sza_s * sin_sza_s / math.sqrt(
pow(Re / H * cos_sza_s, 2) + 2 * Re / H + 1)

k1 = 12 / pi / sza_derive_s
k2 = tao * cos_sza_s * m_derive_s
k = k1 * (cos_sza_s-k3) / (sin_sza_s + k2)

temperature1 = T0 + Ta * cos_sza[mask_LT] * np.exp(tao * (m_min - m_val[mask_LT])) / cos_sza_min

temp1 = math.exp(tao * (m_min - m_sza_s)) / cos_sza_min
temp2 = np.exp(-12 / pi / k * (theta[mask_GE] - theta_s))
temperature2 = (T0+DeltaT) + (Ta * cos_sza_s * temp1-DeltaT) * temp2

temperature = np.concatenate((temperature1, temperature2))

return temperature

# Example data

# DTC model starts from the sunrise to the next sunrise, the values greater than 24 refer to the time in the next day

# delta is the solar declination
delta = 23.45 * np.sin(2 * pi / 365.0 * (284 + DOY))

# omega is the duration of daytime
omega = 2.0 / 15 * math.acos(-math.tan(Latitude / 180.0 * pi) * math.tan(delta / 180.0 * pi)) * 180.0 / pi

sunrisetime = 12 - omega / 2

# Setting the initial value
p0 = [np.average(temperature_DTC), np.max(temperature_DTC) - np.min(temperature_DTC), 13.0, sunsettime-1,0,0.01]

# Solving the free parameters of GOT09 model. Bounds and max_nfev are optional
popt, pcov = curve_fit(GOT09, time_DTC, temperature_DTC, p0, bounds = ([200, 0, 8,12,-5,0], [400, 60, 17, 23,5,1]), max_nfev = 10000)

temperature_modelling = GOT09(time_DTC, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3], popt[4], popt[5])

print('RMSE of GOT09 model:',np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(temperature_DTC-temperature_modelling))))

plt.title('Example of GOT09 model')
plt.plot(time_DTC,temperature_DTC,'.g',label='LST observations')
plt.plot(time_DTC, temperature_modelling, 'r', label='DTC modelling results')

93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
import numpy as np
import math
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

# This is the example of GOT09-dT-tao model writing with Python 3.7

# GOT09-dT-tao model is the recommended four-parameter DTC model
# GOT09-dT-tao model is modified from GOT09 model by fixing deltaT as 0 and tao as 0.01
def GOT09_dT_tao(time, *param):
T0, Ta, tm, ts = param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3]

theta = pi / 12 * (time - tm)
theta_s = pi / 12 * (ts - tm)
mask_LT = time < ts
mask_GE = time >= ts

#fixing tao (represent the total atmospheric optical thickness) as 0.01
tao = 0.01

Re, H = 6371, 8.43

cos_sza = math.sin(delta / 180 * pi) * math.sin(Latitude / 180 * pi) + math.cos(delta / 180 * pi) * math.cos(
Latitude / 180 * pi) * np.cos(theta)
cos_sza_s = math.sin(delta / 180 * pi) * math.sin(Latitude / 180 * pi) + math.cos(delta / 180 * pi) * math.cos(
Latitude / 180 * pi) * math.cos(theta_s)
sin_sza_s = math.sqrt(1 - cos_sza_s * cos_sza_s)
cos_sza_min = math.sin(delta / 180 * pi) * math.sin(Latitude / 180 * pi) + math.cos(delta / 180 * pi) * math.cos(
Latitude / 180 * pi)

m_val = -Re / H * cos_sza + np.sqrt(pow((Re / H * cos_sza), 2) + 2 * Re / H + 1)
m_sza_s = -Re / H * cos_sza_s + math.sqrt(pow((Re / H * cos_sza_s), 2) + 2 * Re / H + 1)
m_min = -Re / H * cos_sza_min + math.sqrt(pow((Re / H * cos_sza_min), 2) + 2 * Re / H + 1)

sza_derive_s = math.cos(delta / 180 * pi) * math.cos(Latitude / 180 * pi) * math.sin(theta_s) / math.sqrt(
1 - cos_sza_s * cos_sza_s)
m_derive_s = Re / H * sin_sza_s - pow(Re / H, 2) * cos_sza_s * sin_sza_s / math.sqrt(
pow(Re / H * cos_sza_s, 2) + 2 * Re / H + 1)

k1 = 12 / pi / sza_derive_s
k2 = tao * cos_sza_s * m_derive_s
k = k1 * cos_sza_s / (sin_sza_s + k2)

temperature1 = T0 + Ta * cos_sza[mask_LT] * np.exp(tao * (m_min - m_val[mask_LT])) / cos_sza_min

temp1 = math.exp(tao * (m_min - m_sza_s)) / cos_sza_min
temp2 = np.exp(-12 / pi / k * (theta[mask_GE] - theta_s))
temperature2 = T0 + Ta * cos_sza_s * temp1 * temp2

temperature = np.concatenate((temperature1, temperature2))

return temperature

# Example data

# DTC model starts from the sunrise to the next sunrise, the values greater than 24 refer to the time in the next day

# delta is the solar declination
delta = 23.45 * np.sin(2 * pi / 365.0 * (284 + DOY))

# omega is the duration of daytime
omega = 2.0 / 15 * math.acos(-math.tan(Latitude / 180.0 * pi) * math.tan(delta / 180.0 * pi)) * 180.0 / pi

sunrisetime = 12 - omega / 2

# Setting the initial value
p0 = [np.average(temperature_DTC), np.max(temperature_DTC) - np.min(temperature_DTC), 13.0, sunsettime-1]

# Solving the free parameters of GOT09 model. Bounds and max_nfev are optional
popt, pcov = curve_fit(GOT09_dT_tao, time_DTC, temperature_DTC, p0, bounds = ([200, 0, 8,12], [400, 60, 17, 23]), max_nfev = 10000)

temperature_modelling = GOT09_dT_tao(time_DTC, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3])

print('RMSE of GOT09-dT-tao model:',np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(temperature_DTC-temperature_modelling))))

plt.title('Example of GOT09-dT-tao model')
plt.plot(time_DTC,temperature_DTC,'.g',label='LST observations')
plt.plot(time_DTC, temperature_modelling, 'r', label='DTC modelling results')

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