Calendar widget for flutter that is swipeable horizontally. This widget can help you build your own calendar widget highly customizable. Now you can even add your icon for each event.
- Check out great feature
work done by maxgmer 🎉.
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.
props | types | defaultValues |
viewPortFraction | double |
1.0 |
prevDaysTextStyle | TextStyle |
daysTextStyle | TextStyle |
nextDaysTextStyle | TextStyle |
prevMonthDayBorderColor | Color |
Colors.transparent |
thisMonthDayBorderColor | Color |
Colors.transparent |
nextMonthDayBorderColor | Color |
Colors.transparent |
dayPadding | double |
2.0 |
height | double |
double.infinity |
width | double |
double.infinity |
todayTextStyle | TextStyle |
fontSize: 14.0, color: Colors.white |
dayButtonColor | Color | |
todayBorderColor | Color | |
todayButtonColor | Colors | |
selectedDateTime | DateTime |
selectedDayTextStyle | TextStyle |
fontSize: 14.0, color: Colors.white |
selectedDayBorderColor | Color | |
selectedDayButtonColor | Color | |
selectedDayGradient | LinearGradient |
LinearGradient(colors: <Color>[,], begin: Alignment.centerRight, end: Alignment.centerLeft) |
daysHaveCircularBorder | bool |
onDayPressed | Func |
weekdayTextStyle | TextStyle |
fontSize: 14.0, color: Colors.deepOrange |
iconColor | Color |
Colors.blueAccent |
headerTextStyle | TextStyle |
fontSize: 20.0, color: |
headerText | Text |
Text('${DateFormat.yMMM().format(this._dates[1])}' ) |
weekendTextStyle | TextStyle |
fontSize: 14.0, color: Colors.pinkAccent |
markedDatesMap | Events |
null |
markedDateWidget | Color |
Positioned(child: Container(color: Colors.blueAccent, height: 4.0, width: 4.0), bottom: 4.0, left: 18.0); |
markedDateShowIcon | bool |
false |
markedDateIconBorderColor | Color |
markedDateIconMaxShown | int |
2 |
markedDateIconMargin | double |
5.0 |
markedDateIconBuilder | MarkedDateIconBuilder<T> |
markedDateIconOffset | double |
5.0 |
markedDateCustomShapeBorder | ShapeBorder |
null |
markedDateCustomTextStyle | TextStyle |
null |
markedDateMoreCustomDecoration | Decoration |
markedDateMoreCustomTextStyle | TextStyle |
headerMargin | EdgetInsets |
const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 16.0) |
headerTitleTouchable | bool |
false |
onHeaderTitlePressed | Function |
() => _selectDateFromPicker() |
showHeader | bool |
showHeaderButton | bool |
childAspectRatio | double |
1.0 |
weekDayMargin | EdgeInsets |
const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 4.0) |
weekFormat | bool |
false |
locale | String |
en |
firstDayOfWeek | int |
null |
onCalendarChanged | Function(DateTime) |
minSelectedDate | DateTime |
maxSelectedDate | DateTime |
inactiveDaysTextStyle | TextStyle |
inactiveWeekendTextStyle | TextStyle |
weekDayFormat | WeekdayFormat |
short |
staticSixWeekFormat | bool |
false |
showOnlyCurrentMonthDate | bool |
false |
dayCrossAxisAlignment | CrossAxisAlignment | |
dayMainAxisAlignment | MainAxisAlignment | |
showIconBehindDayText | bool |
false |
pageScrollPhysics | ScrollPhysics |
ScrollPhysics |
With CalendarCarousel<YourEventClass>
and EventList<YourEventClass>
you can specifiy a custom Event class.
Add flutter_calendar_carousel
as a dependency in pubspec.yaml
For help on adding as a dependency, view the documentation.
import 'package:flutter_calendar_carousel/flutter_calendar_carousel.dart' show CalendarCarousel;
Widget widget() {
return Container(
margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0),
child: CalendarCarousel<Event>(
onDayPressed: (DateTime date, List<Event> events) {
this.setState(() => _currentDate = date);
weekendTextStyle: TextStyle(
thisMonthDayBorderColor: Colors.grey,
// weekDays: null, /// for pass null when you do not want to render weekDays
// headerText: Container( /// Example for rendering custom header
// child: Text('Custom Header'),
// ),
customDayBuilder: ( /// you can provide your own build function to make custom day containers
bool isSelectable,
int index,
bool isSelectedDay,
bool isToday,
bool isPrevMonthDay,
TextStyle textStyle,
bool isNextMonthDay,
bool isThisMonthDay,
DateTime day,
) {
/// If you return null, [CalendarCarousel] will build container for current [day] with default function.
/// This way you can build custom containers for specific days only, leaving rest as default.
// Example: every 15th of month, we have a flight, we can place an icon in the container like that:
if ( == 15) {
return Center(
child: Icon(Icons.local_airport),
} else {
return null;
weekFormat: false,
markedDatesMap: _markedDateMap,
height: 420.0,
selectedDateTime: _currentDate,
daysHaveCircularBorder: false, /// null for not rendering any border, true for circular border, false for rectangular border
- Render weekdays.
- Customizable headerWidget.
- Set weekdays visibility.
- Customizable textStyles for days in weekend.
- Marked Dates.
- Multiple Marked Dates.
- Customizable weekend days.
- Week Calendar.
- Carousel Week Calendar.
- Multiple days selections.
- Widget test.
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