XDL is a definition language similar to Microsoft IDL but with versioning support and less strict rules.
xdl <input_file>.xdl <output_dir> [factory_name]
: the name of the input xdl file
: the folder where headers are generated into
: the name of the factory function that would create a type instance given a type and an ABI version, if no factory name is specified then no factory function is generated
The factory function is defined like this
template<template<abi_t> typename T>
inline HRESULT FactoryFunctionName(abi_t ABI, void **ppvObject)
and can be used like this
abi_t abi;
abi.Major = 10;
abi.Minor = 0;
abi.Build = 15063;
abi.Revision = 0;
IVersionedClassFactory* pClass;
HRESULT hr = FactoryFunctionName<VersionedClassFactory>(abi, (void**)&pClass);
The factory class can be defined like this
interface IVersionedClassFactory
HRESULT CreateMyVersionedClass([out] void** ppClass);
class VersionedClassFactory : IVersionedClassFactory
and the implementation of CreateMyVersionedClass
can look like this
HRESULT CreateMyVersionedClass(void** ppClass)
*ppClass = new MyVersionedClass<ABI>();
- Support full C declarator syntax (including function pointers)
- Recognize annotations and translate them to SAL on the C++ types
- Support for defining constants
- Support for simple expressions with constants (i.e.
1 + 1
) - Proper error checking and better error messages
- Support for optionally generating headers for imports
- Support for multiple XDL file inputs
The following example showcases how to define a simple interface that makes use of basic XDL versioning features
import "unknown.xdl";
namespace simple_example
interface ISimpleClass : IUnknown
UINT m_StringsCount;
UINT64 m_StringsCount;
UINT AddString([in] LPCSTR pString);
UINT64 AddString([in] LPCWSTR lpString);
UINT GetString([out] LPCSTR pString, [in] UINT size, [in] UINT index);
UINT64 GetString([out] LPCWSTR lpString, [in] UINT64 size, [in] UINT64 index);
class SimpleClass : ISimpleClass
The following example showcases how to define complex interfaces/classes that make use of more advanced XDL versioning features
import "unknown.xdl";
namespace gfx
struct GraphicsClassDesc
UINT TexturesCapacity;
[added(6,2,9200,0)] UINT ShadersCapacity;
[added(10,0,15063,0), removed(10,0,22000,0)] UINT ViewsCapacity;
[removed(10,0,18362,0)] UINT OpaqueDataCapacity;
interface IGraphicsClass : IGraphicsUnknown
GraphicsClassDesc m_Desc;
HRESULT Initialize([in] IUnknown* pGraphicsDevice);
void GetDevice([out] IUnknown** ppGraphicsDevice);
HRESULT UpdateDevice(IUnknown* pGraphicsDevice);
class SomeGraphicsClass : IGraphicsClass
enum MemoryPressure
struct MemoryInfo
UINT64 TotalAllocated;
UINT64 TotalFreed;
MemoryPressure Pressure;
interface IMemoryManager : IUnknown
HRESULT AllocateMemory([in] UINT64 size, [out] void** ppMemory);
UINT64 GetTotalAllocatedMemory();
UINT64 GetTotalFreedMemory();
MemoryPressure GetMemoryPressure();
void GetMemoryInfo([out] MemoryInfo* pMemoryInfo);
interface IMemoryManager2 : [removed(10,0,26100,0)] IUnknown, [added(10,0,26100,0)] IMemoryManager
HRESULT FreeMemory([in] void* ppMemory);
class MemoryManager : [removed(10,0,26100,0)] IMemoryManager, [added(10,0,22631,0)] IMemoryManager2