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rippled (XRP Ledger server) Version 2.4.0

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@bthomee bthomee released this 04 Mar 19:00

Release Notes


This document contains the release notes for rippled, the reference server implementation of the XRP Ledger protocol. To learn more about how to build, run or update a rippled server, visit

Have new ideas? Need help with setting up your node? Please open an issue here.

Full Changelog


The following amendments are open for voting with this release:

  • DynamicNFT (XLS-46) - Adds the ability to mint mutable NFToken objects whose URI can be changed. (#5048)
  • PermissionedDomains (XLS-80) - Adds Permissioned Domains, which act as part of broader systems on the XRP Ledger to restrict access to satisfy compliance rules. (#5161)
  • DeepFreeze (XLS-77) - Adds the ability to deep freeze trust lines, enabling token issuers to block the transfer of assets for holders who have been deep frozen. (#5187)
  • fixFrozenLPTokenTransfer - Prohibits the transfer of LP tokens when the associated liquidity pool contains at least one frozen asset. (#5227)
  • fixInvalidTxFlags - Adds transaction flag checking for CredentialCreate, CredentialAccept, and CredentialDelete transactions. (#5250)

New Features

  • Added a new simulate API method to execute dry runs of transactions and see the simulated metadata. (#5069, #5265)
  • Added the ability to specify MPTs when defining assets in transactions. (#5200)
  • Added a state alias for ripple_state in the ledger_entry API method. Also refactored LedgerEntry.cpp to make it easier to read. (#5199)
  • Improved UNL security by enabling validators to set a minimum number of UNL publishers to agree on validators. (#5112)
  • Updated the XRPL Foundation UNL keys. (#5289)
  • Added a new XRPL Foundation subdomain to enable a staged migration without modifying the key for the current UNL list. (#5326)
  • Added support to filter ledger entry types by their canonical names in the ledger, ledger_data, and account_objects API methods. (#5271)
  • Added detailed logging for each validation and proposal received from the network. (#5291)
  • Improved git commit hash lookups when checking the version of a rippled debug build. Also added git commit hash info when using the server_info API method on an admin connection. (#5225)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with overlapping data types in the Expected class. (#5218)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented rippled from building on Windows with VS2022. (#5197)
  • Fixed server_definitions prefixes. (#5231)
  • Added missing dependency installations for generic MasOS runners. (#5233)
  • Updated deprecated Github actions. (#5241)
  • Fixed a failing assert scenario when submitting the connect admin RPC. (#5235)
  • Fixed the levelization script to ignore single-line comments during dependency analysis. (#5194)
  • Fixed the assert name used in PermissionedDomainDelete. (#5245)
  • Fixed macOS unit tests. (#5196)
  • Fixed an issue with validators not accurately reflecting amendment votes. Also added debug logging of amendment votes. (#5173, #5312)
  • Fixed a potential issue with double-charging fees. (#5269)
  • Removed the new parent hash assert and replaced it with a log message. (#5313)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented previously-failed inbound ledgers to not be acquired if a new trusted proposal arrived. (#5318)

Other Improvements

  • Added unit tests for AccountID handling. (#5174)
  • Added enforced levelization in libxrpl with CMake. (#5199)
  • Updated libxrpl and all submodules to use the same compiler options. (#5228)
  • Added Antithesis instrumentation. (#5042, #5213)
  • Added rpcName to the LEDGER_ENTRY macro to help prevent future bugs. (#5202)
  • Updated the contribution guidelines to introduce a new workflow that avoids code freezes. Also added scripts that can be used by maintainers in branch management, and a CI job to check that code is consistent across the three main branches: master, release, and develop. (#5215)
  • Added unit tests to check for caching issues fixed in rippled 2.3.0. (#5242)
  • Cleaned up the API changelog. (#5207)
  • Improved logs readability. (#5251)
  • Updated Visual Studio CI to VS 2022, and added VS Debug builds. (#5240)
  • Updated the secp256k1 library to version 0.6.0. (#5254)
  • Changed the [port_peer] parameter in rippled example config back to 51235; also added the recommendation to use the default port of 2459 for new deployments. (#5290, #5299)
  • Improved CI management. (#5268)
  • Updated the git commit message rules for contributors. (#5283)
  • Fixed unnecessary setCurrentThreadName calls. (#5280)
  • Added a check to prevent permissioned domains from being created in the event the Permissioned Domains amendement is enabled before the Credentials amendement. (#5275)
  • Updated Conan dependencies. (#5256)
  • Fixed minor typos in code comments. (#5279)
  • Fixed incorrect build instructions. (#5274)
  • Refactored rotateWithLock() to not hold a lock during callbacks. (#5276)
  • Cleaned up debug logging by combining multiple data points into a single message. (#5302)
  • Updated build flags to fix performance regressions. (#5325)


The following people contributed directly to this release:

Bug Bounties and Responsible Disclosures

We welcome reviews of the rippled code and urge researchers to responsibly disclose any issues they may find.

To report a bug, please send a detailed report to: [email protected]

Full Changelog: 2.3.1...2.4.0