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Http Interceptor library for Angular 2


  • Registering interceptors globally
  • Separate interceptors for requests and responses
  • Attach interceptors for specific urls via strings or RegExp's
  • Remove specific/all interceptor(s)
  • Modify requests (even url) from request interceptors
  • Cancel requests from request interceptors
  • Modify responses from response interceptors
  • Interceptor Service is not coupled with Http Service
  • Choose between overriding original Http Service or keep it and still use interceptors
  • Comprehensive type assistance for your interceptor functions

Table of Contents


This library uses Proxy from ES6 spec so if you need to support browsers that are ES5 compatible include proxy-polyfill.


To install this library, run:

$ npm install ng2-http-interceptor --save


To use it you must first declare providers in your @NgModule.
You have 2 options:

  1. Register InterceptableHttp AND override original Http service so that all your requests will be intercepted
  2. Register ONLY InterceptableHttp and keep original Http service so you can make requests which are intercepted and not.

For case #1 use:


For case #2 use:


After registering you can use InterceptableHttp for your requests and Http if you chose to override it (case #1):

constructor(private http: Http, httpInterceptor: HttpInterceptorService) {
    httpInterceptor.request().addInterceptor((data, method) => {
      console.log(method, data);
      return data;

    httpInterceptor.response().addInterceptor((res, method) => {
      res.subscribe(r => console.log(method, r));
      return res;
          .map(r => r.text())

In this setup every request and response will be logged to the console.
You can also cancel request by returning false value (that coerce to boolean false) from one of registered request interceptors.

You can find in-depth explanation of internal concepts here:
Also if you want to play with it check this repo.


All and every interception setup is made by HttpInterceptorService service.
Inject this service in place where you want to manage interceptors.

Public API


HttpInterceptorService: {
    request(url?: string|RegExp): Interceptable,
    response(url?: string|RegExp): Interceptable

See src/http/http-interceptor.ts for full reference

Description: Methods will determine when to call interceptor - before request (request()) or after response (response()).
You can also specify url filtering (string|RegExp) which will indicate when interceptor must be triggered depending on url.
By default all interceptors fall under '/' url key which means every interceptor registered that way will be triggered despite of actual url.


Interceptable: {
    addInterceptor(interceptorFn: Interceptor): Interceptable,
    removeInterceptor(interceptorFn: Interceptor): Interceptable,
    clearInterceptors(interceptorFns?: Interceptor[]): Interceptable

See src/http/interceptable.ts for full reference

Description: This object will help you manage interceptors with respect to your selected configuration (url filtering).


export interface Interceptor {
  (data: any, method: string): any;

See src/http/interceptable.ts for full reference

Description: This is generic type of interceptor - which is a plain old JavaScript function.
You will be dealing with specific one to satisfy it's criteria:

  • Interceptor<any[], any[]> - for request interceptors
    Function will get an array of parameters with which call on Http was made + method name as string (get, post, delete...) and should return array of the same structure or false to cancel request.
  • Interceptor<Observable<Response>, Observable<Response>> - for response interceptors
    Function will get Observable + method name as string (get, post, delete...) and should return same or new Observable but with type Response (this is made specifically to prevent other code being broken because response was intercepted and structure changed)


To generate all *.js, * and *.d.ts files:

$ npm run build

To lint all *.ts files:

$ npm run lint

To run unit tests:

$ npm test


MIT © Alex Malkevich


Http Interceptor library for Angular 2







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  • TypeScript 95.7%
  • JavaScript 4.3%