## ⚠️ Type of PR label error
To merge this PR, it requires exactly 1 label indicating the type of PR. Other labels are optional and not being checked here.
- **Type-related labels to choose from**: [Type] Accessibility (a11y), [Type] Automated Testing, [Type] Breaking Change, [Type] Bug, [Type] Build Tooling, [Type] Code Quality, [Type] Copy, [Type] Developer Documentation, [Type] Enhancement, [Type] Experimental, [Type] Feature, [Type] New API, [Type] Task, [Type] Performance, [Type] Project Management, [Type] Security, [Type] WP Core Ticket.
- **Labels found**: [Type] Bug, [Type] Accessibility (a11y), [Package] Edit Post, Backport to WP Beta/RC, [Package] Edit Site.