Before you begin, make sure you have the following tools and dependencies installed on your system:
Rust and Cargo: Install Rust and Cargo using rustup by following the instructions at
Clippy: Clippy is a linter for Rust code. Install it using the following command:
rustup component add clippy
Rustfmt: Rustfmt is a tool for formatting Rust code. Install it using the following command:
rustup component add rustfmt
Cargo Watch: Cargo Watch allows automatic recompilation of code when changes are detected. Install it using the following command:
cargo install cargo-watch
SeaORM CLI: SeaORM CLI is used for database migrations and entity generation. Install it using the following command:
cargo install sea-orm-cli
Follow these steps to set up the project on your local machine:
Clone this repository:
git clone cd rust-backend-template
Build the project using Cargo:
cargo build
Run the application:
cargo run
Run the application in watch mode:
cargo watch -q -c -w src/ -x "run"
to lint the code and find potential issues:cargo clippy
to format the code:cargo fmt
Generate a migration using SeaORM CLI:
sea-orm-cli migrate generate <name>
Apply pending migrations:
sea-orm-cli migrate up --database-url 'postgres://backend:backend@localhost:5454/backend'
Generate entity files using SeaORM CLI:
sea-orm-cli generate entity -o entity/src -l --with-serde both --database-url 'postgres://backend:backend@localhost:5454/backend'
The project is structured as follows:
docker: Contains the docker-compose file for running the project in a containerized environment.
entity: Contains the entity files generated by SeaORM CLI.
migrations: Contains the migration files generated by SeaORM CLI.
src: Contains the source code for the project.
modules: Contains the modules for the project, each of which is a subdirectory containing the following folders:
application: Contains the application logic for the module.
domain: Contains the domain logic for the module.
web: Contains the web API for the module.
The project follows a modular architecture, with each module containing its own application, domain, and web layers. This allows for better separation of concerns and makes the code more maintainable and testable.
Application Layer: The application layer contains the business logic for the module. It is responsible for orchestrating the domain logic and the web API.
Domain Layer: The domain layer contains the domain logic for the module. It is responsible for implementing the business logic.
Web Layer: The web layer contains the web API for the module. It is responsible for exposing the business logic to the outside world.
For example, when a user makes a request to the web API, the web layer will call the application layer, which will in turn call the domain layer to perform the necessary operations. The domain layer will then return the result to the application layer, which will return it to the web layer, which will return it to the user.
A more detailed explanation of the modular architecture can be found in the following article: